arctk 2.0.7

Numerical simulations of physical systems
# Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

## [2.X.X] - Upcoming

## Added

These elements are released and available in version 1.0, but further work is needed to make them polished enough for 2.0 inclusion:

-   Simulations
    -   Reaction networks
    -   Diffusion
    -   N-dimensional reaction-diffusion

## [2.0.7] - 05/10/2022

## Added

-   Framework support:
    -   Logo
    -   Badges
    -   Complete CI
    -   Documentation generation
    -   GitHub issue templates and labels
-   Parsing for CSV files

## [2.0.6] - 11/09/2022

### Added

-   Domain decomposition module
    -   Recursive oct-tree
-   Ray-tracing module
    -   Ray and Orientation types
    -   Cameras
    -   Hit, Scan and Side types
-   Geometry module
    -   Axis-aligned bounding boxes
    -   'Smooth' triangles
    -   Smooth triangular-mesh
-   Parsing module
    -   .json
    -   .png
    -   .obj
-   Physics module
    -   Optical (EM) boundaries