arcstr 1.1.5

A better reference-counted string type, with zero-cost (allocation-free) support for string literals, and reference counted substrings.
    // need to test cloning, these are deliberate.
    // yep, we create owned instance just for comparison, to test comparison
    // with owned instacnces.
use arcstr::ArcStr;

fn test_various_partial_eq() {
    macro_rules! check_partial_eq {
        (@eq1; $a:expr, $b:expr) => {{
            // Note: intentionally not assert_eq.
            assert!($a == $b);
            assert!(!($a != $b));
            assert!($b == $a);
            assert!(!($b != $a));
        (@ne1; $a:expr, $b:expr) => {
            assert!($a != $b);
            assert!(!($a == $b));
            assert!($b != $a);
            assert!(!($b == $a));
        (@eq; $a:expr, $b:expr) => {{
            check_partial_eq!(@eq1; $a, $b);
            check_partial_eq!(@eq1; $a.clone(), $b);
            check_partial_eq!(@eq1; $a.clone(), $a);
        (@ne; $a:expr, $b:expr) => {{
            check_partial_eq!(@ne1; $a, $b);
            check_partial_eq!(@ne1; $a.clone(), $b);

    check_partial_eq!(@eq; ArcStr::from("123"), "123");
    check_partial_eq!(@eq; ArcStr::from("foobar"), *"foobar");
    check_partial_eq!(@eq; ArcStr::from("🏳️‍🌈"), String::from("🏳️‍🌈"));
    check_partial_eq!(@eq; ArcStr::from("🏳️‍⚧️"), std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("🏳️‍⚧️"));
    check_partial_eq!(@eq; ArcStr::from("🏴‍☠️"), std::borrow::Cow::Owned("🏴‍☠️".into()));
    check_partial_eq!(@eq; ArcStr::from(":o"), std::rc::Rc::<str>::from(":o"));
    check_partial_eq!(@eq; ArcStr::from("!!!"), std::sync::Arc::<str>::from("!!!"));

    check_partial_eq!(@eq; ArcStr::from(""), "");
    check_partial_eq!(@eq; ArcStr::from(""), ArcStr::from(""));

    check_partial_eq!(@ne; ArcStr::from("123"), "124");
    check_partial_eq!(@ne; ArcStr::from("Foobar"), *"FoobarFoobar");

    check_partial_eq!(@ne; ArcStr::from(""), String::from("1"));
    check_partial_eq!(@ne; ArcStr::from(""), String::from("1"));
    check_partial_eq!(@ne; ArcStr::from("abc"), String::from(""));

    check_partial_eq!(@ne; ArcStr::from("butts"), std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("boots"));
    check_partial_eq!(@ne; ArcStr::from("bots"), std::borrow::Cow::Owned("🤖".into()));
    check_partial_eq!(@ne; ArcStr::from("put"), std::rc::Rc::<str>::from("⛳️"));
    check_partial_eq!(@ne; ArcStr::from("pots"), std::sync::Arc::<str>::from("🍲"));

fn test_indexing() {
    let a = ArcStr::from("12345");
    assert_eq!(&a[..], "12345");
    assert_eq!(&a[1..], "2345");
    assert_eq!(&a[..4], "1234");
    assert_eq!(&a[1..4], "234");
    assert_eq!(&a[1..=3], "234");
    assert_eq!(&a[..=3], "1234");

fn test_fmt() {
    assert_eq!(format!("{}", ArcStr::from("test")), "test");
    assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", ArcStr::from("test")), "\"test\"");

    // make sure we forward formatting to the real impl...
    let s = ArcStr::from("uwu");
    assert_eq!(format!("{:.<6}", s), "uwu...");
    assert_eq!(format!("{:.>6}", s), "...uwu");
    assert_eq!(format!("{:.^9}", s), r#"...uwu..."#);

fn test_ord() {
    let mut arr = [ArcStr::from("foo"), "bar".into(), "baz".into()];
    assert_eq!(&arr, &["bar", "baz", "foo"]);

fn smoke_test_clone() {
    let count = if cfg!(miri) { 20 } else { 100 };
    for _ in 0..count {
        drop(vec![ArcStr::from("foobar"); count]);
        drop(vec![ArcStr::from("baz quux"); count]);
        let lit = { arcstr::literal!("test 999") };
        drop(vec![lit; count]);
    drop(vec![ArcStr::default(); count]);

fn test_btreemap() {
    let mut m = std::collections::BTreeMap::new();

    for i in 0..100 {
        let prev = m.insert(ArcStr::from(format!("key {}", i)), i);
        assert_eq!(prev, None);

    for i in 0..100 {
        let s = format!("key {}", i);
        assert_eq!(m.remove(s.as_str()), Some(i));
fn test_hashmap() {
    let mut m = std::collections::HashMap::new();
    for i in 0..100 {
        let prev = m.insert(ArcStr::from(format!("key {}", i)), i);
        assert_eq!(prev, None);
    for i in 0..100 {
        let key = format!("key {}", i);
        let search = key.as_str();
        assert_eq!(m[search], i);
        assert_eq!(m.remove(search), Some(i));

#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
fn test_serde() {
    use serde_test::{assert_de_tokens, assert_tokens, Token};
    let teststr = ArcStr::from("test test 123 456");
    assert_tokens(&teststr, &[Token::BorrowedStr("test test 123 456")]);
    assert_tokens(&teststr.clone(), &[Token::BorrowedStr("test test 123 456")]);
    assert_tokens(&ArcStr::default(), &[Token::BorrowedStr("")]);

    let checks = &[
    for check in checks {
        eprintln!("checking {:?}", check);
        assert_de_tokens(&ArcStr::from("123"), check);

fn test_loose_ends() {
    assert_eq!(ArcStr::default(), "");
    assert_eq!("abc".parse::<ArcStr>().unwrap(), "abc");
    let abc_arc = ArcStr::from("abc");
    let abc_str: &str = abc_arc.as_ref();
    let abc_bytes: &[u8] = abc_arc.as_ref();
    assert_eq!(abc_str, "abc");
    assert_eq!(abc_bytes, b"abc");

fn test_from_into_raw() {
    let a = vec![
        ArcStr::from(format!("test {}", 1)),
    let v = a.into_iter().cycle().take(100).collect::<Vec<ArcStr>>();
    let v2 = v
        .map(|s| ArcStr::into_raw(s.clone()))
    let back = v2
        .map(|s| unsafe { ArcStr::from_raw(*s) })

    let end = [
        ArcStr::from(format!("test {}", 1)),
    assert_eq!(back, end);

fn test_strong_count() {
    let foobar = ArcStr::from("foobar");
    assert_eq!(Some(1), ArcStr::strong_count(&foobar));
    let also_foobar = ArcStr::clone(&foobar);
    assert_eq!(Some(2), ArcStr::strong_count(&foobar));
    assert_eq!(Some(2), ArcStr::strong_count(&also_foobar));

    let astr = arcstr::literal!("baz");
    assert_eq!(None, ArcStr::strong_count(&astr));
    assert_eq!(None, ArcStr::strong_count(&ArcStr::default()));

fn test_ptr_eq() {
    let foobar = ArcStr::from("foobar");
    let same_foobar = foobar.clone();
    let other_foobar = ArcStr::from("foobar");
    assert!(ArcStr::ptr_eq(&foobar, &same_foobar));
    assert!(!ArcStr::ptr_eq(&foobar, &other_foobar));

    const YET_AGAIN_A_DIFFERENT_FOOBAR: ArcStr = arcstr::literal!("foobar");
    let strange_new_foobar = YET_AGAIN_A_DIFFERENT_FOOBAR.clone();
    let wild_blue_foobar = strange_new_foobar.clone();
    assert!(ArcStr::ptr_eq(&strange_new_foobar, &wild_blue_foobar));

fn test_statics() {
    const STATIC: ArcStr = arcstr::literal!("Electricity!");
    assert_eq!(ArcStr::as_static(&STATIC), Some("Electricity!"));

    assert_eq!(ArcStr::as_static(&ArcStr::new()), Some(""));
    let st = {
        // Note that they don't have to be consts, just made using `literal!`:
        let still_static = { arcstr::literal!("Shocking!") };
        assert_eq!(ArcStr::as_static(&still_static), Some("Shocking!"));
        assert_eq!(ArcStr::as_static(&still_static.clone()), Some("Shocking!"));
        // clones are still static
    assert_eq!(st, "Shocking!");

    // But it won't work for other strings.
    let nonstatic = ArcStr::from("Grounded...");
    assert_eq!(ArcStr::as_static(&nonstatic), None);

fn test_static_arcstr_include_bytes() {
    const APACHE: ArcStr = arcstr::literal!(include_str!("../LICENSE-APACHE"));
    assert!(APACHE.len() > 10000);
    assert!(APACHE.trim_start().starts_with("Apache License"));
        .ends_with("limitations under the License."));

fn test_inherent_overrides() {
    let s = ArcStr::from("abc");
    assert_eq!(s.as_str(), "abc");
    let a = ArcStr::from("foo");
    assert_eq!(a.len(), 3);

fn test_froms_more() {
    let mut s = "asdf".to_string();
        let s2: &mut str = &mut s;
        // Make sure we go through the right From
        let arc = <ArcStr as From<&mut str>>::from(s2);
        assert_eq!(arc, "asdf");
    let arc = <ArcStr as From<&String>>::from(&s);
    assert_eq!(arc, "asdf");

    // This is a slightly more natural way to check, as it's when the "you a
    // weird From" situation comes up more often.

    let b: Option<Box<str>> = Some("abc".into());
    assert_eq!(, Some(ArcStr::from("abc")));

    let b: Option<std::rc::Rc<str>> = Some("abc".into());
    assert_eq!(, Some(ArcStr::from("abc")));

    let b: Option<std::sync::Arc<str>> = Some("abc".into());
    assert_eq!(, Some(ArcStr::from("abc")));

    let bs: Box<str> = ArcStr::from("123").into();
    assert_eq!(&bs[..], "123");
    let rcs: std::rc::Rc<str> = ArcStr::from("123").into();
    assert_eq!(&rcs[..], "123");
    let arcs: std::sync::Arc<str> = ArcStr::from("123").into();
    assert_eq!(&arcs[..], "123");
    use std::borrow::Cow::{self, Borrowed, Owned};
    let cow: Cow<'_, str> = Borrowed("abcd");
    assert_eq!(ArcStr::from(cow), "abcd");

    let cow: Cow<'_, str> = Owned("abcd".into());
    assert_eq!(ArcStr::from(cow), "abcd");

    let cow: Option<Cow<'_, str>> = Some(&arc).map(Cow::from);
    assert_eq!(cow.as_deref(), Some("asdf"));

    let cow: Option<Cow<'_, str>> = Some(arc).map(Cow::from);
    assert!(matches!(cow, Some(Cow::Owned(_))));
    assert_eq!(cow.as_deref(), Some("asdf"));

    let st = { arcstr::literal!("static should borrow") };
        let cow: Option<Cow<'_, str>> = Some(st.clone()).map(Cow::from);
        assert!(matches!(cow, Some(Cow::Borrowed(_))));
        assert_eq!(cow.as_deref(), Some("static should borrow"));
    // works with any lifetime
        let cow: Option<Cow<'static, str>> = Some(st.clone()).map(Cow::from);
        assert!(matches!(cow, Some(Cow::Borrowed(_))));
        assert_eq!(cow.as_deref(), Some("static should borrow"));

    let astr = ArcStr::from(&st);
    assert!(ArcStr::ptr_eq(&st, &astr));
    // Check non-statics
    let astr2 = ArcStr::from("foobar");
    assert!(ArcStr::ptr_eq(&astr2, &ArcStr::from(&astr2)))

fn try_allocate() {
    assert_eq!(ArcStr::try_alloc("foo").as_deref(), Some("foo"));
    // TODO: how to test the error cases here?

fn repeat_string() {
    assert_eq!(ArcStr::repeat("", 1000), "");
    assert_eq!(ArcStr::repeat("AAA", 0), "");
    assert_eq!(ArcStr::repeat("AAA", 1000), "AAA".repeat(1000));
    assert_eq!(ArcStr::try_repeat("AAA", usize::MAX), None);

#[should_panic = "capacity overflow"]
fn repeat_string_panics() {
    ArcStr::repeat("AAA", usize::MAX);