arcon 0.2.1

A runtime for writing streaming applications

//! # Arcon - State-first Streaming Applications in Rust.
//! ## What is Arcon
//! Arcon is a library for building real-time analytics applications in Rust. The Arcon runtime
//! is based on the Dataflow model, similarly to systems such as Apache Flink and Timely Dataflow.
//! Key features:
//! * Out-of-order Processing
//! * Event-time
//! * Watermarks
//! * Epoch Snapshotting for Exactly-once Processing
//! * Hybrid Row(Protobuf) / Columnar (Arrow) System
//! * Modular State Backend Abstraction
//! The Arcon philosophy is state first. Most other streaming systems are output-centric and lack a way of
//! working with internal state with support for time semantics. Arcon's upcoming TSS query language allows extracting and operating on state snapshots consistently
//! based on application-time constraints and interfacing with other systems for batch and warehouse analytics.
//! ## Disclaimer
//! Arcon is still in development and should be considered experimental!
//! The APIs may break and you should not be running Arcon with important data!
//! ## Example
//! ```no_run
//! #[arcon::app(name = "example")]
//! fn main() {
//!     (0..100u64)
//!         .to_stream(|conf| conf.set_arcon_time(ArconTime::Process))
//!         .filter(|x| *x > 50)
//!         .map(|x| x * 10)
//!         .print()
//! }
//! ```
//! # Feature Flags
//! - `rocksdb`
//!     - Enables RocksDB to be used as a Backend
//! - `kafka`
//!     - Enables Kafka support
//! - `metrics`
//!     - Records internal runtime metrics and allows users to register custom metrics from an Operator
//!     - If no exporter (e.g., prometheus_exporter) is enabled, the metrics will be logged by the runtime.
//! - `hardware_counters`
//!     - Enables counters like cache misses, branch misses etc.
//!     - It is to be noted that this feature is only compatible with linux OS as it uses perf_event_open() under the hood
//!     - One has to provide CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability to use it for eg:  setcap cap_sys_admin+ep target/debug/collection , this takes the built file as an argument.
//!     - Not executing the above command will result into "Operation not permitted" error assuming the feature flag is enabled.
//! - `prometheus_exporter`
//!     - If this flag is enabled , one can see the metrics using the prometheus scrape endpoint assuming there is a running prometheus instance.
//!     - One has to add a target to prometheus config:
//!     - job_name: 'metrics-exporter-prometheus-http'
//!         scrape_interval: 1s
//!          static_configs:
//!           - targets: ['localhost:9000']
//! - `allocator_metrics`
//!     - With this feature on, the runtime will record allocator metrics (e.g., total_bytes, bytes_remaining, alloc_counter).
//! - `state_metrics`
//!     - With this feature on, the runtime will record various state metrics (e.g., bytes in/out, last checkpoint size).

// Enable use of arcon_macros within this crate
#[cfg_attr(test, macro_use)]
extern crate arcon_macros;
extern crate self as arcon;

pub use arcon_macros::*;
pub use arcon_state::*;

// Imports below are exposed for ``arcon_macros``

pub use crate::index::{ArconState, IndexOps};
pub use arcon_state::error::ArconStateError;

pub use crate::data::{ArconType, VersionId};
pub use crate::{
    table::{ImmutableTable, MutableTable, RecordBatchBuilder, RECORD_BATCH_SIZE},
pub use arrow::{
        ArrayBuilder, ArrayData, ArrayDataBuilder, PrimitiveBuilder, StringBuilder, StructArray,
        StructBuilder, UInt64Array, UInt64Builder,
    datatypes::{DataType, Field, Schema},
pub use kompact::prelude::SerId;

// exposed for benching
pub mod bench_utils {
    pub use crate::buffer::event::{BufferPool, BufferReader};

pub mod application;

/// Arcon buffer implementations
mod buffer;
/// Arcon data types, serialisers/deserialisers
mod data;
/// Dataflow API
pub mod dataflow;
/// Arcon Error types
pub mod error;
/// Arcon State Indexes
pub mod index;
/// Module containing different runtime managers
mod manager;
#[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
/// Arcon metrics
mod metrics;
/// Contains the core stream logic
mod stream;
/// Table implementations
mod table;
/// Test module containing some more complex unit tests
mod test;
/// Internal Arcon Utilities
mod util;

/// A module containing test utilities such as a global Arcon Allocator
pub mod test_utils {
    use arcon_allocator::Allocator;
    use arcon_state::backend::Backend;
    use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
    use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

    pub static ALLOCATOR: Lazy<Arc<Mutex<Allocator>>> =
        Lazy::new(|| Arc::new(Mutex::new(Allocator::new(1073741824))));

    pub fn temp_backend<B: Backend>() -> B {
        let test_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
        let path = test_dir.path();
        B::create(path, "testDB".to_string()).unwrap()

/// Helper module that imports everything related to arcon into scope
pub mod prelude {
    pub use crate::{
        application::conf::{logger::LoggerType, ApplicationConf},
        application::{Application, ApplicationBuilder},
        data::{ArconElement, ArconNever, ArconType, StateID, VersionId},
            builder::{Assigner, OperatorBuilder, SourceBuilder},
            conf::{OperatorConf, ParallelismStrategy, SourceConf, StreamKind, WindowConf},
            sink::{Sink, ToBuilderExt, ToSinkExt},
            source::{LocalFileSource, ToStreamExt},
                FilterExt, KeyBuilder, KeyedStream, MapExt, OperatorExt, PartitionExt, Stream,
                function::{Filter, FlatMap, Map, MapInPlace},
                window::{WindowAssigner, WindowState},
                Operator, OperatorContext,
            source::{schema::ProtoSchema, Source},
            time::{ArconTime, Time},
        Arcon, ArconState,

    #[cfg(feature = "kafka")]
    pub use crate::dataflow::source::kafka::KafkaSource;
    #[cfg(feature = "kafka")]
    pub use crate::stream::source::kafka::KafkaConsumerConf;
    #[cfg(all(feature = "serde_json", feature = "serde"))]
    pub use crate::stream::source::schema::JsonSchema;
    #[cfg(feature = "kafka")]
    pub use rdkafka::config::ClientConfig;

    pub use crate::error::{timer::TimerExpiredError, ArconResult, StateResult};

    pub use kompact::{
        prelude::{Channel as KompactChannel, *},

    pub use super::{Arrow, MutableTable, ToArrow};
    pub use arrow::{datatypes::Schema, record_batch::RecordBatch};

    pub use arcon_state as state;

    #[cfg(feature = "rocksdb")]
    pub use arcon_state::Rocks;
    pub use arcon_state::{
        Aggregator, AggregatorState, Backend, BackendType, Handle, MapState, ReducerState, Sled,
        ValueState, VecState,

    pub use crate::index::{
        AppenderIndex, AppenderWindow, ArrowWindow, EagerAppender, EagerHashTable, EagerValue,
        EmptyState, HashTable, IncrementalWindow, IndexOps, LazyValue, LocalValue, ValueIndex,

    pub use prost::*;
    pub use std::sync::Arc;

    #[cfg(all(feature = "hardware_counters", target_os = "linux"))]
    pub use crate::metrics::perf_event::{HardwareCounter, PerfEvents};