arcode 0.1.1

An Arithmetic Coder (lossless entropy encoder)

This crate provides the an efficient implementation of an arithmetic encoder/decoder. This crate is based off the paper that describes arithmetic coding found here. This implementation features many readability and performance improvements, especially on the decoding side.

The goal of this project is not to provide an out-of-the-box compression solution. Arithmetic coding (entropy encoding) is the backbone of almost every modern day compression scheme. This crate is meant to be included in future projects that rely on an efficient entropy coder e.g. PPM, LZ77/LZ78, h265/HEVC.

Core components

There are a lot of structs available for use but for the average user there are only a few that will be used.

  • SourceModel models of the probability of symbols. Counts can be adjusted as encoding is done to improve compression.
  • Encoder encodes symbols given a source model and a symbol.
  • Decoder decodes symbols given a source model and a bitstream.


In the git repository there is an file that is a complete encode and decode with some benchmarks. It is hard to construct examples that run in the markdown because I don't have access to actual files.

Input and output bitstreams

In order for arithmetic coding to work streams need to be read a bit at a time (for decoding and for the encoders output). Because of this, BitBit is required. Wrapping whatever your input is in a buffered reader/writer should greatly improve performance.

Using bitbit to create an input stream from a file that will be passed to encoder/decoder.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufReader, Cursor};
use bitbit::{BitReader, MSB};
//using a cursor because the example cant compile without an actual file
let r = Cursor::new(vec!['a' as u8, 'b' as u8, 'c' as u8]);
// let input_file = File::open("some file").unwrap();
let mut buffer_input = BufReader::new(r);
let mut input: BitReader<_, MSB> = BitReader::new(&mut buffer_input);

Using bitbit to create an output stream.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufWriter, Write, Cursor};
use bitbit::BitWriter;
let r = Cursor::new(vec!['a' as u8, 'b' as u8, 'c' as u8]);
//let mut output_file = File::create("./compressed.any")?;
let mut buffered_output = BufWriter::new(r);
let mut out_writer = BitWriter::new(&mut buffered_output);
//once you are done encoding/decoding...

Source Model(s)

Depending on your application you could have one or hundreds/thousands of source models. The source model is heavily relied on by the encoder and the decoder. If the decoder ever becomes out of phase with the encoder you will be decoding nonsense.

use arithmetic_coder::util::source_model::SourceModel;
// create a new model that has symbols 0-256
// 8 bit values + one EOF marker
let mut model_with_eof = SourceModel::new(257, 256);
// model for 8 bit 0 - 255, if we arent using
// the EOF flag set it to anything outside the range.
let model_without_eof = SourceModel::new(256, 9999);

// update the probability of symbol 4.


Encoding some simple input

use arithmetic_coder::encode::encoder::ArithmeticEncoder;
use arithmetic_coder::util::source_model::SourceModel;
use std::io::Cursor;
use bitbit::BitWriter;

let mut encoder = ArithmeticEncoder::new(30);
let mut source_model = SourceModel::new(10, 9);
let mut output = Cursor::new(vec![]);
let mut out_writer = BitWriter::new(&mut output);
let to_encode: [u32; 5] = [7, 2, 2, 2, 7];

for x in to_encode.iter() {
    encoder.encode(*x, &mut source_model, &mut out_writer).unwrap();

encoder.encode(source_model.get_eof(), &source_model, &mut out_writer).unwrap();
encoder.finish_encode(&mut out_writer).unwrap();

assert_eq!(output.get_ref(), &[184, 96, 208]);


use std::io::Cursor;
use arithmetic_coder::util::source_model::SourceModel;
use bitbit::{BitReader, MSB};
use arithmetic_coder::decode::decoder::ArithmeticDecoder;

let input = Cursor::new(vec![184, 96, 208]);
let mut source_model = SourceModel::new(10, 9);
let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut in_reader: BitReader<_, MSB> = BitReader::new(input);
let mut decoder = ArithmeticDecoder::new(30);

while !decoder.is_finished() {
    let sym = decoder.decode(&source_model, &mut in_reader).unwrap();
    if sym != source_model.get_eof() { output.push(sym)};

assert_eq!(output, &[7, 2, 2, 2, 7]);