arc-reactor 0.1.0

Minimal, Asynchronous, Web Framework

#arc reactor

Asynchronous, Multithreaded, Minimal web framework

  • Asynchronous. In arc reactor, route handlers are asynchronous by default.

  • Integration With futures-await. The #[service] proc macro not only derives the ArcService trait for your route handler, but also marks it as #[async] so you can await on futures in your route handlers with no extra stress.

  • Intuitive Middleware System. arc reactor exposes a middleware system that is easy to reason about.

  • Minimalistic. arc reactor is designed to be a very thin abstraction over tokio and hyper.

  • Nightly Rust. arc reactor uses a lot of cool features, including proc_macros which are only available on the nightly channel.


add this to your cargo.toml

arc-reactor = "0.1"


check out the examples folder to get a feel for how arc reactor, it's well documented. and i'm terrible at explaining things without using code.