aragog 0.11.0

A simple lightweight object-document mapper for ArangoDB


pipeline status MIT licensed aragog Discord Gitter

aragog is a fully featured ODM and OGM library for ArangoDB using the arangors driver.

The main concept is to provide behaviors allowing to map your structs with ArangoDB documents as simply an lightly as possible. Inspired by Rails's Active Record library aragog aslo provides hooks and validations for your models.

The crate also provides a powerful AQL querying tool allowing complex and safe ArangoDB queries in Rust.

Migrations CLI

aragog provides a safe schema generation and migrations command line interface: aragog_cli.

Book and Documentation

Project Layout

  • aragog: The main ODM/OGM library
  • aragog_macros: The derive proc macros for aragog
  • aragog_cli: The migration and schema generation Command line interface

Cargo features

Async and Blocking

By default all aragog items are asynchronous, you can compile aragog in a synchronous build using the blocking feature:

aragog = { version = "0.11", features = ["blocking"], default-features = false }

You need to disable the default features. Don't forget to add the derive feature to use the derive macros.

Actix and Open API

If you use this crate with the actix-web framework, you may want the aragog errors to be usable as http errors. To do so you can add to your cargo.toml the following feature: actix. This will add Actix 3 dependency and compatibility

aragog = { version = "0.11", features = ["actix"] }

If you also want to be able to use paperclip, you may want aragog elements to be compatible. To do so you can add to your cargo.toml the following feature: open-api.

aragog = { version = "0.11", features = ["actix", "open-api"] }

Password hashing

You may want aragog to provide a more complete Authenticate trait allowing to hash and verify passwords. To do so you can add to your cargo.toml the following feature: password_hashing.

aragog = { version = "0.11", features = ["password_hashing"] }

It will add two functions in the Authenticate trait:

fn hash_password(password: &str, secret_key: &str) -> Result<String, ServiceError>;
fn verify_password(password: &str, password_hash: &str, secret_key: &str) -> Result<(), ServiceError>;
  • hash_password will return a Argon2 encrypted password hash you can safely store to your database
  • verify_password will check if the provided password matches the Argon2 encrypted hash you stored.

The Argon2 encryption is based on the argonautica crate. That crate requires the clang lib, so if you deploy on docker you will need to install it or define a custom image.

Minimal Traits

If you don't need the following traits:

  • Authenticate
  • AuthorizeAction
  • New
  • Update

You can disable them with the minimal_traits feature:

aragog = { version = "0.11", features = ["minimal_traits"] }


aragog is provided under the MIT license. See LICENSE.

A simple lightweight ODM for ArangoDB based on arangors.

Special thanks to fMeow creator of arangors and inzanez