arabic_reshaper 0.1.6

Reconstruct Arabic sentences to be used in applications that doesn't support Arabic script.
# arabic-reshaper-rs

Reconstruct Arabic sentences to be used in applications that don't support Arabic.

This crate is [python-arabic-reshaper]( ported to rust. 

## Usage:

This crate exposes 2 functions:


Reshape letters and reverse their orders so they can be used in left-right context. (you'll probably use most)

extern crate arabic_reshaper;
use arabic_reshaper::arabic_reshape_l;
let salam = "سلام";
// سلام correctly rendred.


Only reshapes letters, to be used in a right-left context that doesn't correctly support arabic.

extern crate arabic_reshaper;
use arabic_reshaper::arabic_reshape_r;
let text = "اللغة العربية رائعة";
// الغة العربية رائعة correctly rendred.

## Todo:

- [ ] document the code

**Credits/More info:**

Check the awesome original python version.
