ara_parser 0.3.0

A fault-tolerant, recursive-descent parser for Ara Programming Language 🌲

Ara Parser

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A fault-tolerant, recursive-descent parser for Ara Programming Language 🌲

Note: This project is a hard-fork of php-rust-tools/parser

Special thanks to the original authors for their work.


Add ara_parser to your Cargo.toml, and you're good to go!

ara_parser = "0.3.0"


use ara_parser::parser;
use ara_reporting::builder::Charset;
use ara_reporting::builder::ColorChoice;
use ara_reporting::builder::ReportBuilder;
use ara_reporting::error::Error;
use ara_source::loader::load_directories;

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {

    let root = "/path/to/ara/project";

    let source_map = load_directories(root, vec![&format!("{}/{}", root, "src/")]).unwrap();

    match parser::parse_map(&source_map) {
        Ok(tree_map) => tree_map.trees.iter().for_each(|tree| {
            println!("{:#?}", tree.definitions);
        Err(report) => {
            ReportBuilder::new(&source_map, report)



type num = int|float;

final readonly class Collection<T> {
    public function __construct(
        private vec<T> $items = vec[],
    ) {}

    public function filter((fn(T): bool) $func): Collection<T> {
        $result = vec[];
        foreach $this->items as $item {
            if $func($item) {
                $result[] = $item;

        return new Collection::<T>($result);

    public function map<Tout>((fn(T): Tout) $func): Collection<Tout> {
        $result = vec[];
        foreach $this->items as $item {
            $result[] = $func($item);

        return new Collection::<Tout>($result);

    public function sum(): int where T is num {
        $result = 0;
        foreach $this->items as $item {
            $result += $item;


function example(): int {
    $collection = new Collection::<num>(vec[
        1, 2, 3.0, 4.0, 5, 6, 7.0, 9.0, 10

      ->filter(fn(num $n): bool => $n < 8)
        fn(num $n): float => $n is float ? $n : $n + 0.0

Diffrerences from PHP

Ara syntax is similar to PHP, with a handful of notable differences, the following is a list of the features that Ara does not support from PHP:

  • No opening, or closing tags - Ara does not allow opening, or closing tags, so you can't use <?php, <?=, <?, or ?> syntax.

  • No top-level statement - Ara does not allow top-level code, so you can't use code outside of a class, or function.

  • No switch - Ara does not allow switch statements, use if or match instead.

  • No type casting - Ara does not allow type casting, so you can't use (int), (float), (string), (array), (object), (bool) syntax.

  • No dynamic identifiers - Ara does not allow dynamic identifiers, so you can't use $foo->{$a}(); syntax.

  • No variable identifiers - Ara does not allow variable identifiers, so you can't use $foo->$bar(); syntax

  • No dynamic variables - Ara does not allow dynamic variables, so you can't use ${$a} syntax.

  • No variable variables - Ara does not allow variable-variables, so you can't use $$a syntax.

  • No heredoc - Ara does not allow heredoc, so you can't use <<< syntax.

  • No nowdoc - Ara does not allow nowdoc, so you can't use <<<' syntax.

  • No interpolation - Ara does not allow interpolation, so you can't use ${} syntax.

  • No string interpolation - Ara does not allow string interpolation, so you can't use variables, or arbitrary expressions inside strings.

  • No backticks - Ara does not allow backticks as an alias for shell_exec, so you can't use $result = `command -arg`; syntax.

  • No include - Ara does not allow include, so you can't use include or include_once syntax.

  • No require - Ara does not allow require, so you can't use require or require_once syntax.

  • No eval - Ara does not allow eval, so you can't use eval syntax.

  • No die - Ara does not allow die, so you can't use die syntax. ( note: exit is allowed )

  • No goto - Ara does not allow goto, so you can't use goto syntax.

  • No declare(...) - Ara does not allow declare(...) statements, so you can't use declare(ticks=1) syntax.

  • No if(...): ... endif; - Ara does not allow if(...): ... endif; syntax, use if(...) { ... } instead.

  • No for(...): ... endfor; - Ara does not allow for(...): ... endfor; syntax, use for(...) { ... } instead.

  • No foreach(...): ... endforeach; - Ara does not allow foreach(...): ... endforeach; syntax, use foreach(...) { ... } instead.

  • No while(...): ... endwhile; - Ara does not allow while(...): ... endwhile; syntax, use while(...) { ... } instead.

  • No traits - Ara does not have traits.

    Note: Trait support is planned for the future, once the language is more stable.

  • No __TRAIT__ - Ara does not allow __TRAIT__, so you can't use __TRAIT__ syntax.

  • No __halt_compiler - Ara does not allow __halt_compiler, so you can't use __halt_compiler syntax.

  • No __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ - Ara does not allow __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__, so you can't use __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ syntax.

  • No var - Ara does not allow var properties.

  • No global - Ara does not allow global variables.

  • No static variables - Ara does not allow static variables, static class properties, and methods are allowed.

  • No empty - Ara does not allow empty syntax for checking if a variable is empty, the type of a variable in Ara always known, so you can use if $foo { ... } for boolean checks, if $foo != '' { ... } for string checks, if $foo != 0 { ... } for integer checks, ..etc.

  • No @ - Ara does not allow @ syntax for suppressing errors.

  • No list(...) - Ara does not allow list(...) syntax for destructuring arrays.

  • No array(...) - Ara does not allow array(...) syntax for creating arrays.

  • No [...] - Ara does not allow [...] syntax for creating arrays.

  • No isset(...) - Ara does not allow isset(...) syntax for checking if a variable is set.

  • No unset(...) - Ara does not allow unset(...) syntax for unsetting a variable.

  • No single statement bodies - Ara does not allow single statement bodies, so you can't use if (...) $a = 1; syntax, use if (...) { $a = 1; } instead.

  • No callable type - Ara does not allow callable type, use (fn(T): R) type instead.

  • Required types - Ara requires types for all properties, parameters, and return types, so you can't use function foo($a) { ... } syntax, use function foo(int $a): void { ... } instead.

  • No grouped use - Ara does not allow grouped use statements, so you can't use use Foo\{Bar, Baz}; syntax.

  • No echo, print - Ara does not allow echo, or print, use Psl\IO\write(..), Psl\IO\write_line(..), Psl\IO\write_error(..), or Psl\IO\write_error_line(..) instead.

  • Required parentheses for new - Ara requires parentheses for new expression, so you can't use new Foo syntax, use new Foo() instead.

    Note: this also applies to new static, new self, and new parent, and new class { ... } use new static(), new self(), new parent(), and new class() { ... } instead.


Ara introduces the following features:

  • vec[] - Ara allows vec[] syntax for creating vectors.

    Note: vec[] is a type-safe alternative to [], it is compiled to [] at runtime.


    $vec = vec[1, 2, 3];
  • dict[] - Ara allows dict[] syntax for creating dictionaries.

    Note: dict[] is a type-safe alternative to [], it is compiled to [] at runtime.


    $dict = dict['foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2];
  • generics - Ara allows generics, so you can use function foo<T>(T $value): T { ... } syntax.

    Note: generics are erased at runtime, and are only used for type checking, and type inference, parameters and return types are compiled to the type they are constrained to, or mixed if no constraint is provided.


    function foo<T>(T $value): T {
    function bar(): int {

    Generics can also be used with classes, and interfaces as well.


    interface ContainerInterface<T> {
        public function get(): T;
    final readonly class Container<T> implements ContainerInterface<T> {
        public function __construct(private T $value) {}
        public function get(): T {

    Template constraints can be used to constrain the type of a generic template.

    • T as sometype, meaning that T must be a subtype of sometype


    function add<T as int|float>(T $first, T $second): T {
        $first + $second
    function example(): void {
        $a = add::<int>(1, 2); // OK - int is a subtype of int|float
        $b = add::<float>(1.0, 2.0); // OK - float is a subtype of int|float
        $c = add::<int|float>(1, 2.0); // OK - int|float is a subtype of int|float
        $d = add::<int|float>(1.0, 2); // OK - int|float is a subtype of int|float
        $e = add::<string>('1', '2'); // ERROR - string is not a subtype of int|float

    Template covariance

    • +T, meaning that T is covariant

    If no variance annotation is provided, the type parameter is invariant.

    For example, consider the following:

    interface Animal {
        public function talk(): string;
    final class Dog implements Animal {
        public function talk(): string { 'woof' }
    final class Cat implements Animal {
        public function talk(): string { 'miaow' }
    interface Collection<T> extends Iterator<int, T> {}
    function take_animals(Collection<Animal> $animals): void {
        foreach $animals as $animal {
            echo $animal->talk();
    function take_dogs(Collection<Dog> $dogs): void {
        take_animals($dogs); // ERROR - expected Collection<Animal>, got Collection<Dog>

    This results in an error, because Collection<Dog> is not a subtype of Collection<Animal>.

    We can fix this by making Collection covariant, telling Ara that is it safe to pass subtypes for the templated param T.

    interface Animal {
        public function talk(): string;
    final class Dog implements Animal {
        public function talk(): string { 'woof' }
    final class Cat implements Animal {
        public function talk(): string { 'miaow' }
    interface Collection<+T> extends Iterator<int, T> {}
    function take_animals(Collection<Animal> $animals): void {
        foreach $animals as $animal {
            echo $animal->talk();
    function take_dogs(Collection<Dog> $dogs): void {
        take_animals($dogs); // OK - Collection<Dog> is a subtype of Collection<Animal>
  • (fn(T1, T2, ...): R) type - Ara has (fn(T1, T2, ...): R) type as a type-safe alternative to callable.


    function map<T, R>(vec<T> $items, (fn(T): R) $fn): vec<R> {
        $result = vec[];
        foreach $items as $item {
            $result[] = $fn($item);
    function example(): void {
        $items = vec[1, 2, 3];
        $result1 = map($items, fn(int $item): int => $item * 2); // OK
        $result2 = map($items, fn(string $item): string => $item); // Type error
  • type aliases - Ara allows type aliases, so you can use type scalar = int | float | string | bool; syntax.


    type scalar = int | float | string | bool;
    function to_scalar(mixed $value): scalar {
        $value as scalar
  • is - Ara allows is syntax for type checks, so you can use $foo is string syntax.


    function to_integer(mixed $value): int {
        if $value is int {
            return $value;
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('Expected an integer.');
  • as - Ara allows as syntax for type assertions, so you can use $foo as string syntax.

    Note: as would result in a runtime error if the type assertion fails, so it's not recommended to use it in performance critical code.


    function to_integer(mixed $value): int {
        $value as int

    as assertion can also be used within a foreach loop:

    function example(mixed $items): void {
        foreach $items as vec<int> as $index => $value {
            do_something($index, $value);
  • where - Ara adds support for where type constraint on methods.

    Note: where type constraints are enforced at compile time, not at runtime. Note: where can only be used on methods, not on functions.


    use Psl\Str;
    final class Box<T> {
        public function __construct(public T $value) { }
        public function length(): int where T is string {
    function example(): void {
        $box = new Box::<string>('hello world');
        $box->length(); // OK
        $box = new Box::<int>(123);
        $box->length(); // Type error, method `Box<T = int>::length` requires `T` to be `string`, but `int` was provided.

    A method can also have more than one where type constraint.

    use Psl\Str;
    final class Foo<T, U> {
        public function __construct(public T $value, public U $other) { }
        public function bar(): int where
            T is string,
            U is int,
            Str\length($this->value) + $this->other
    function example(): void {
        $foo = new Foo::<string, int>('hello world', 123);
        $foo->bar(); // OK
        $foo = new Foo::<int, string>(123, 'hello world');
        $foo->bar(); // Type error, method `Foo::<T = int, U = string>` requires `T` to be `string`, but `int` was provided.
  • (1, 2, 3) - Ara allows (1, 2, 3) syntax for creating tuples.

    Note: (1, 2, 3) is a type-safe alternative to [], it is compiled to [] at runtime.


    $tuple = (1, 2, 3);
  • async - Ara allows async syntax for running functions asynchronously.

    Note: async expressions are compiled to Psl\Async\run(...) at runtime.


    function do_something(): int {
        // ...
        return 1;
    function do_something_async(): Awaitable<int> {
        $result = async do_something();
  • await - Ara allows await syntax for awaiting asynchronous expressions.

    Note: await expressions are compiled to Psl\Async\await(...) at runtime.


    function something(): Awaitable<int> {
        // ...
        return $result;
    function wait_for_something(): int {
        $result = await something();
  • concurrently - Ara allows concurrently syntax for running asynchronous expressions concurrently.

    Note: concurrently expressions are compiled to Psl\Async\concurrently(...) at runtime.


    function something(): Awaitable<int> {
        // ...
        return $result;
    function something_else(): Awaitable<int> {
        // ...
        return $result;
    function everything(): (int, int) {
        ($a, $b) = concurrently {
            await something(),
            await something_else(),
        ($a, $b)
  • implict return - Ara allows implicit return syntax for functions, so you can use function foo(): int { 1 } syntax.

    Note: implicit return expressions are compiled to return at runtime.


    function foo(): int {
  • optional condition parentheses - Ara allows optional parentheses around conditions, so you can use if $foo { ... } syntax.

    Note: optional parentheses are compiled to (...) at runtime.


    if $foo {
        // ...
    } else if $bar {
        // ...
    } else {
        // ...
    while $foo {
        // ...
    do {
        // ...
    } while $foo;
    for $foo = 1; $foo < 10; $foo++ {
        // ...
    foreach $foo as $bar {
        // ...
    foreach $foo as $bar => $baz {
        // ...
  • nonnull type - Ara adds support for nonnull type.


    function example(nonnull $value): void {
        // ...
  • resource type - Ara adds support for resource type.


    function example(resource $value): void {
        // ...


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