[][src]Crate aquamarine

Aquamarine is a procedural macro extension for rustdoc, that aims to improve the visual component of Rust documentation through use of the mermaid.js diagrams.

#[aquamarine] macro works through embedding the mermaid.js into the generated rustdoc HTML page, modifying the doc comment attributes.

To inline a diagram into the documentation, use the mermaid snippet in a doc-string:

/// ```mermaid
/// graph LR
///     s([Source]) --> a[[aquamarine]]
///     r[[rustdoc]] --> f([Docs w/ Mermaid!])
///     subgraph rustc[Rust Compiler]
///     a -. inject mermaid.js .-> r
///     end
/// ```
pub fn example() {}

The diagram will appear in place of the mermaid code block, preserving all the comments around it.

You can even add multiple diagrams!

To see it in action, go to the demo crate docs.rs page.

Attribute Macros


Aquamarine is a proc-macro that adds Mermaid diagrams to rustdoc