aq-cli 0.1.0

Extend jq for any data format
aq-cli-0.1.0 is not a library.


Extend jq for any data format. Currently supports JSON, TOML, and YAML.

Getting started

Install aq using Cargo.

cargo install aq-cli

Example usage

Filters are passed directly to jq but you must specify the input and output data format. For example with an input of TOML and output of JSON.

$ echo '[]\nfield = 1337' | aq -i toml -o json '.foo'
  "bar": {
    "field": 1337

If not provided, the output format defaults to the input format. Additionally, you can use j for JSON, t for TOML, and y for YAML for maximum brevity.

$ echo '[]\nfield = 1337' | aq -it '.foo'
field = 5


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