aptos-vm 0.2.7

Aptos VM runtime
// Copyright (c) Aptos
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

use crate::delta_ext::{addition, deserialize, serialize, subtraction, DeltaOp};
use aptos_crypto::hash::DefaultHasher;
use aptos_types::vm_status::StatusCode;
use better_any::{Tid, TidAble};
use move_deps::{
    move_binary_format::errors::{PartialVMError, PartialVMResult},
    move_table_extension::{TableHandle, TableResolver},
        native_functions::{NativeContext, NativeFunctionTable},
        values::{Reference, Struct, StructRef, Value},
use smallvec::smallvec;
use std::{
    collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, VecDeque},

/// Describes the state of each aggregator instance.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum AggregatorState {
    // If aggregator stores a known value.
    // If aggregator stores a non-negative delta.

/// Uniquely identifies each aggregator instance in storage.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct AggregatorID {
    // A handle that is shared accross all aggregator instances created by the
    // same `AggregatorFactory` and which is used for fine-grained storage
    // access.
    pub handle: u128,
    // Unique key associated with each aggregator instance. Generated by
    // taking the hash of transaction which creates an aggregator and the
    // number of aggregators that were created by this transaction so far.
    pub key: u128,

impl AggregatorID {
    fn new(handle: u128, key: u128) -> Self {
        AggregatorID { handle, key }

/// Internal aggregator data structure.
struct Aggregator {
    // Describes a value of an aggregator.
    value: u128,
    // Describes a state of an aggregator.
    state: AggregatorState,
    // Describes an upper bound of an aggregator. If `value` exceeds it, the
    // aggregator overflows.
    // TODO: Currently this is a single u128 value since we use 0 as a trivial
    // lower bound. If we want to support custom lower bounds, or have more
    // complex postconditions, we should factor this out in its own struct.
    limit: u128,

impl Aggregator {
    /// Implements logic for adding to an aggregator.
    fn add(&mut self, value: u128) -> PartialVMResult<()> {
        // At this point, aggregator holds a positive delta or knows the value.
        // Hence, we can add, of course checking for overflow.
        self.value = addition(self.value, value, self.limit)?;

    /// Implements logic for subtracting from an aggregator.
    fn sub(&mut self, value: u128) -> PartialVMResult<()> {
        match self.state {
            AggregatorState::Data => {
                // Aggregator knows the value, therefore we can subtract
                // checking we don't drop below zero.
                self.value = subtraction(self.value, value)?;
            // For now, `aggregator::sub` always materializes the value, so
            // this should be unreachable.
            // TODO: support non-materialized subtractions.
            AggregatorState::PositiveDelta => {
                unreachable!("subtraction always materializes the value")

    /// Implements logic for materializing the value of an aggregator. As a
    /// result, the aggregator knows it value (i.e. its state changed to
    /// `Data`).
    fn materialize(
        &mut self,
        context: &NativeAggregatorContext,
        id: &AggregatorID,
    ) -> PartialVMResult<()> {
        // If aggregator has already been materialized, return immediately.
        if self.state == AggregatorState::Data {
            return Ok(());

        // Otherwise, we have a delta and have to go to storage and apply it.
        // In theory, any delta will be applied to existing value. However,
        // something may go wrong, so we guard by throwing an error in
        // extension.
        let key_bytes = serialize(&id.key);
            .resolve_table_entry(&TableHandle(id.handle), &key_bytes)
            .map_err(|_| extension_error("could not find the value of the aggregator"))?
                    "could not find the value of the aggregator",
                |bytes| {
                    // The only remaining case is PositiveDelta. Assert just in
                    // case.
                    debug_assert!(self.state == AggregatorState::PositiveDelta);

                    // Get the value from the storage and try to apply the delta
                    // to it. If application succeeds, we change the state of the
                    // aggregator. Otherwise the error is propagated to the caller.
                    let base = deserialize(&bytes);
                    self.value = addition(base, self.value, self.limit)?;
                    self.state = AggregatorState::Data;

/// Stores all information about aggregators (how many have been created or
/// removed), what are their states, etc. per context (i.e. single
/// transaction).
struct AggregatorData {
    // All aggregators that were created in the current context, stored as ids.
    // Used to filter out aggregators that were created and destroyed in the
    // same context (i.e. within a single transaction).
    new_aggregators: BTreeSet<AggregatorID>,
    // All aggregators that were destroyed in the current context, stored as ids.
    destroyed_aggregators: BTreeSet<AggregatorID>,
    // All aggregator instances that exist in the current context.
    aggregators: BTreeMap<AggregatorID, Aggregator>,

impl AggregatorData {
    /// Returns a mutable reference to an aggregator with `id` and a `limit`.
    /// If it does not exist in the current context (i.e. transaction that is
    /// currently executing did not initilize it), a new aggregator instance is
    /// created, with a zero-initialized value and in a delta state.
    /// Note: when we say "aggregator instance" here we refer to Rust struct and
    /// not to the Move aggregator.
    fn get_aggregator(&mut self, id: AggregatorID, limit: u128) -> &mut Aggregator {
        self.aggregators.entry(id).or_insert_with(|| Aggregator {
            value: 0,
            state: AggregatorState::PositiveDelta,

    /// Returns the number of aggregators that are used in the current context.
    fn num_aggregators(&self) -> u128 {
        self.aggregators.len() as u128

    /// Creates and a new Aggregator with a given `id` and a `limit`. The value
    /// of a new aggregator is always known, therefore it is created in a data
    /// state, with a zero-initialized value.
    fn create_new_aggregator(&mut self, id: AggregatorID, limit: u128) {
        let aggregator = Aggregator {
            value: 0,
            state: AggregatorState::Data,
        self.aggregators.insert(id, aggregator);

    /// If aggregator has been used in this context, it is removed. Otherwise,
    /// it is marked for deletion.
    fn remove_aggregator(&mut self, id: AggregatorID) {
        // Aggregator no longer in use during this context: remove it.

        if self.new_aggregators.contains(&id) {
            // Aggregator has been created in the same context. Therefore, no
            // side-effects.
        } else {
            // Otherwise, aggregator has been created somewhere else.

/// Represents a single aggregator change.
pub enum AggregatorChange {
    // A value should be written to storage.
    // A delta should be merged with the value from storage.
    // A value should be deleted from the storage.

/// Represents changes made by all aggregators during this context. This change
/// set can be converted into appropriate `WriteSet` and `DeltaChangeSet` by the
/// user, e.g. VM session.
pub struct AggregatorChangeSet {
    pub changes: BTreeMap<AggregatorID, AggregatorChange>,

/// Native context that can be attached to VM `NativeContextExtensions`.
/// Note: table resolver is reused for fine-grained storage access.
pub struct NativeAggregatorContext<'a> {
    txn_hash: u128,
    resolver: &'a dyn TableResolver,
    aggregator_data: RefCell<AggregatorData>,

impl<'a> NativeAggregatorContext<'a> {
    /// Creates a new instance of a native aggregator context. This must be
    /// passed into VM session.
    pub fn new(txn_hash: u128, resolver: &'a dyn TableResolver) -> Self {
        Self {
            aggregator_data: Default::default(),

    /// Returns all changes made within this context (i.e. by a single
    /// transaction).
    pub fn into_change_set(self) -> AggregatorChangeSet {
        let NativeAggregatorContext {
            aggregator_data, ..
        } = self;
        let AggregatorData {
        } = aggregator_data.into_inner();

        let mut changes = BTreeMap::new();

        // First, process all writes and deltas.
        for (id, aggregator) in aggregators {
            let Aggregator {
            } = aggregator;

            let change = match state {
                AggregatorState::Data => AggregatorChange::Write(value),
                AggregatorState::PositiveDelta => {
                    let delta_op = DeltaOp::Addition { value, limit };
            changes.insert(id, change);

        // Additionally, do not forget to delete destroyed values from storage.
        for id in destroyed_aggregators {
            changes.insert(id, AggregatorChange::Delete);

        AggregatorChangeSet { changes }

// ================================= Natives =================================

/// All aggregator native functions. For more details, refer to code in
/// `aggregator_factory.move` and `aggregator.move`.
pub fn aggregator_natives(aggregator_addr: AccountAddress) -> NativeFunctionTable {
            ("aggregator", "add", Arc::new(native_add)),
            ("aggregator", "read", Arc::new(native_read)),
            ("aggregator", "destroy", Arc::new(native_destroy)),
            ("aggregator", "sub", Arc::new(native_sub)),

/// Move signature:
/// fun new_aggregator(
///   aggregator_factory: &mut AggregatorFactory,
///   limit: u128
/// ): Aggregator;
fn native_new_aggregator(
    context: &mut NativeContext,
    _ty_args: Vec<Type>,
    mut args: VecDeque<Value>,
) -> PartialVMResult<NativeResult> {
    if !cfg!(any(test, feature = "aggregator-extension")) {
        return Err(not_supported_error());
    assert!(args.len() == 2);

    // Extract fields: `limit` of the new aggregator and a `phantom_handle` of
    // the parent factory.
    let limit = pop_arg!(args, u128);
    let handle = get_handle(&pop_arg!(args, StructRef))?;

    // Get the current aggregator data.
    let aggregator_context = context.extensions().get::<NativeAggregatorContext>();
    let mut aggregator_data = aggregator_context.aggregator_data.borrow_mut();

    // Every aggregator instance uses a unique key in its id. Here we can reuse
    // the strategy from `table` implementation: taking hash of transaction and
    // number of aggregator instances created so far and truncating them to
    // 128 bits.
    let txn_hash_buffer = u128::to_be_bytes(aggregator_context.txn_hash);
    let num_aggregators_buffer = u128::to_be_bytes(aggregator_data.num_aggregators());

    let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(&[0_u8; 0]);
    let hash = hasher.finish();

    // TODO: Using u128 is not enough, and it should be u256 instead. For now,
    // just take first 16 bytes of the hash.
    let bytes = &hash.to_vec()[..16];
    let key = u128::from_be_bytes(bytes.try_into().expect("not enough bytes"));

    let id = AggregatorID::new(handle, key);
    aggregator_data.create_new_aggregator(id, limit);

    // TODO: charge gas properly.

/// Move signature:
/// fun add(aggregator: &mut Aggregator, value: u128);
fn native_add(
    context: &mut NativeContext,
    _ty_args: Vec<Type>,
    mut args: VecDeque<Value>,
) -> PartialVMResult<NativeResult> {
    if !cfg!(any(test, feature = "aggregator-extension")) {
        return Err(not_supported_error());
    assert!(args.len() == 2);

    // Get aggregator fields and a value to add.
    let value = pop_arg!(args, u128);
    let aggregator_ref = pop_arg!(args, StructRef);
    let (handle, key, limit) = get_aggregator_fields(&aggregator_ref)?;
    let id = AggregatorID::new(handle, key);

    // Get aggregator.
    let aggregator_context = context.extensions().get::<NativeAggregatorContext>();
    let mut aggregator_data = aggregator_context.aggregator_data.borrow_mut();
    let aggregator = aggregator_data.get_aggregator(id, limit);


    // TODO: charge gas properly.
    Ok(NativeResult::ok(0, smallvec![]))

/// Move signature:
/// fun read(aggregator: &Aggregator): u128;
fn native_read(
    context: &mut NativeContext,
    _ty_args: Vec<Type>,
    mut args: VecDeque<Value>,
) -> PartialVMResult<NativeResult> {
    if !cfg!(any(test, feature = "aggregator-extension")) {
        return Err(not_supported_error());
    assert!(args.len() == 1);
    let aggregator_ref = pop_arg!(args, StructRef);

    // Extract fields from aggregator struct reference.
    let (handle, key, limit) = get_aggregator_fields(&aggregator_ref)?;
    let id = AggregatorID::new(handle, key);

    // Get aggregator.
    let aggregator_context = context.extensions().get::<NativeAggregatorContext>();
    let mut aggregator_data = aggregator_context.aggregator_data.borrow_mut();
    let aggregator = aggregator_data.get_aggregator(id, limit);

    // Materialize the value.
    aggregator.materialize(aggregator_context, &id)?;

    // TODO: charge gas properly.

/// Move signature:
/// fun sub(aggregator: &mut Aggregator, value: u128);
fn native_sub(
    context: &mut NativeContext,
    _ty_args: Vec<Type>,
    mut args: VecDeque<Value>,
) -> PartialVMResult<NativeResult> {
    if !cfg!(any(test, feature = "aggregator-extension")) {
        return Err(not_supported_error());
    assert!(args.len() == 2);

    // Get aggregator fields and a value to subtract.
    let value = pop_arg!(args, u128);
    let aggregator_ref = pop_arg!(args, StructRef);
    let (handle, key, limit) = get_aggregator_fields(&aggregator_ref)?;
    let id = AggregatorID::new(handle, key);

    // Get aggregator.
    let aggregator_context = context.extensions().get::<NativeAggregatorContext>();
    let mut aggregator_data = aggregator_context.aggregator_data.borrow_mut();
    let aggregator = aggregator_data.get_aggregator(id, limit);

    // For first version of `Aggregator` (V1), subtraction always materializes
    // the value first. While this limits commutativity, it is sufficient for
    // now.
    // TODO: change this when we implement commutative subtraction.
    aggregator.materialize(aggregator_context, &id)?;

    // TODO: charge gas properly.
    Ok(NativeResult::ok(0, smallvec![]))

/// Move signature:
/// fun destroy(aggregator: Aggregator);
fn native_destroy(
    context: &mut NativeContext,
    _ty_args: Vec<Type>,
    mut args: VecDeque<Value>,
) -> PartialVMResult<NativeResult> {
    if !cfg!(any(test, feature = "aggregator-extension")) {
        return Err(not_supported_error());
    assert!(args.len() == 1);

    // First, unpack the struct.
    let aggregator_struct = pop_arg!(args, Struct);
    let (handle, key, _) = unpack_aggregator_struct(aggregator_struct)?;

    // Get aggregator data.
    let aggregator_context = context.extensions().get::<NativeAggregatorContext>();
    let mut aggregator_data = aggregator_context.aggregator_data.borrow_mut();

    // Actually remove the aggregator.
    let id = AggregatorID::new(handle, key);

    // TODO: charge gas properly.
    Ok(NativeResult::ok(0, smallvec![]))

// ================================ Utilities ================================

/// The index of the `phantom_table` field in the `AggregatorFactory` Move
/// struct.

/// The index of the `handle` field in the `Table` Move struct.
const TABLE_HANDLE_FIELD_INDEX: usize = 0;

/// Indices of `handle`, `key` and `limit` fields in the `Aggregator` Move
/// struct.
const HANDLE_FIELD_INDEX: usize = 0;
const KEY_FIELD_INDEX: usize = 1;
const LIMIT_FIELD_INDEX: usize = 2;

/// Given a reference to `AggregatorFactory` Move struct, returns the value of
/// `handle` field (from underlying `Table` struct).
fn get_handle(aggregator_table: &StructRef) -> PartialVMResult<u128> {

/// Given a reference to `Aggregator` Move struct returns a field value at `index`.
fn get_aggregator_field(aggregator: &StructRef, index: usize) -> PartialVMResult<Value> {
    let field_ref = aggregator.borrow_field(index)?.value_as::<Reference>()?;

/// Given a reference to `Aggregator` Move struct, returns a tuple of its
/// fields: (`handle`, `key`, `limit`).
fn get_aggregator_fields(aggregator: &StructRef) -> PartialVMResult<(u128, u128, u128)> {
    let handle = get_aggregator_field(aggregator, HANDLE_FIELD_INDEX)?.value_as::<u128>()?;
    let key = get_aggregator_field(aggregator, KEY_FIELD_INDEX)?.value_as::<u128>()?;
    let limit = get_aggregator_field(aggregator, LIMIT_FIELD_INDEX)?.value_as::<u128>()?;
    Ok((handle, key, limit))

/// Given an `Aggregator` Move struct, unpacks it into fields: (`handle`, `key`, `limit`).
fn unpack_aggregator_struct(aggregator_struct: Struct) -> PartialVMResult<(u128, u128, u128)> {
    let mut fields: Vec<Value> = aggregator_struct.unpack()?.collect();
    assert!(fields.len() == 3);

    let pop_with_err = |vec: &mut Vec<Value>, msg: &str| {
            .map_or(Err(extension_error(msg)), |v| v.value_as::<u128>())

    let limit = pop_with_err(&mut fields, "unable to pop 'limit' field")?;
    let key = pop_with_err(&mut fields, "unable to pop 'key' field")?;
    let handle = pop_with_err(&mut fields, "unable to pop 'handle' field")?;
    Ok((handle, key, limit))

/// Returns partial VM error on extension failure.
fn extension_error(message: impl ToString) -> PartialVMError {

/// When aggregator feature is not supported.
const ENOT_SUPPORTED: u64 = 0x0C_0003;

/// Returns partial VM error when experimental feature is not supported.
fn not_supported_error() -> PartialVMError {
        .with_message("this experimental feature is not supported".to_string())

// ================================= Tests =================================

mod test {
    use super::*;
    use aptos_state_view::StateView;
    use aptos_types::state_store::{state_key::StateKey, table::TableHandle as AptosTableHandle};
    use claim::{assert_err, assert_matches, assert_ok};
    use move_deps::move_table_extension::TableOperation;
    use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
    use std::collections::HashMap;

    pub struct FakeTestStorage {
        data: HashMap<StateKey, Vec<u8>>,

    impl FakeTestStorage {
        fn new() -> Self {
            let mut data = HashMap::new();

            // Initialize storage with some test data.
            data.insert(id_to_state_key(test_id(4)), serialize(&900));
            data.insert(id_to_state_key(test_id(5)), serialize(&5));
            FakeTestStorage { data }

    impl StateView for FakeTestStorage {
        fn get_state_value(&self, state_key: &StateKey) -> anyhow::Result<Option<Vec<u8>>> {

        fn is_genesis(&self) -> bool {

    impl TableResolver for FakeTestStorage {
        fn resolve_table_entry(
            handle: &TableHandle,
            key: &[u8],
        ) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>, anyhow::Error> {
            let state_key = StateKey::table_item(AptosTableHandle::from(*handle), key.to_vec());

        fn operation_cost(&self, _op: TableOperation, _key_size: usize, _val_size: usize) -> u64 {

    fn test_id(key: u128) -> AggregatorID {
        AggregatorID::new(0, key)

    fn id_to_state_key(id: AggregatorID) -> StateKey {
        let key_bytes = serialize(&id.key);
        StateKey::table_item(AptosTableHandle(id.handle), key_bytes)

    fn test_set_up(context: &NativeAggregatorContext) {
        let mut aggregator_data = context.aggregator_data.borrow_mut();

        // Aggregators with data.
        aggregator_data.create_new_aggregator(test_id(0), 1000);
        aggregator_data.create_new_aggregator(test_id(1), 1000);
        aggregator_data.create_new_aggregator(test_id(2), 1000);

        // Aggregators with delta.
        aggregator_data.get_aggregator(test_id(3), 1000);
        aggregator_data.get_aggregator(test_id(4), 1000);
        aggregator_data.get_aggregator(test_id(5), 10);

        // Different cases of aggregator removal.

    static TEST_RESOLVER: Lazy<FakeTestStorage> = Lazy::new(|| FakeTestStorage::new());

    fn test_into_change_set() {
        let context = NativeAggregatorContext::new(0, &*TEST_RESOLVER);

        let AggregatorChangeSet { changes } = context.into_change_set();



        assert_matches!(changes.get(&test_id(3)).unwrap(), AggregatorChange::Delete);

            AggregatorChange::Merge(DeltaOp::Addition {
                value: 0,
                limit: 1000
            AggregatorChange::Merge(DeltaOp::Addition {
                value: 0,
                limit: 10

        assert_matches!(changes.get(&test_id(6)).unwrap(), AggregatorChange::Delete);

    fn test_aggregator_natives() {
        let context = NativeAggregatorContext::new(0, &*TEST_RESOLVER);

        let mut aggregator_data = context.aggregator_data.borrow_mut();

        // This aggregator has been created during this context, hence the
        // value is known.
        let aggregator = aggregator_data.get_aggregator(test_id(1), 1000);
        assert_matches!(aggregator.state, AggregatorState::Data);
        assert_eq!(aggregator.value, 0);

        assert_matches!(aggregator.state, AggregatorState::Data);
        assert_eq!(aggregator.value, 1000);

        // Overflow!

        // This aggregator has not been created during this context, and contains
        // an unknown value.
        let aggregator = aggregator_data.get_aggregator(test_id(4), 1000);
        assert_matches!(aggregator.state, AggregatorState::PositiveDelta);
        assert_eq!(aggregator.value, 0);

        assert_matches!(aggregator.state, AggregatorState::PositiveDelta);
        assert_eq!(aggregator.value, 200);

        // 900 + 200 > 1000!
        assert_err!(aggregator.materialize(&context, &test_id(4)));

        // This aggregator also has not been created during this context, and
        // contains an unknown value.
        let aggregator = aggregator_data.get_aggregator(test_id(5), 10);
        assert_matches!(aggregator.state, AggregatorState::PositiveDelta);
        assert_eq!(aggregator.value, 0);

        assert_matches!(aggregator.state, AggregatorState::PositiveDelta);
        assert_eq!(aggregator.value, 2);

        assert_ok!(aggregator.materialize(&context, &test_id(5)));
        assert_matches!(aggregator.state, AggregatorState::Data);
        assert_eq!(aggregator.value, 7);

        assert_matches!(aggregator.state, AggregatorState::Data);
        assert_eq!(aggregator.value, 0);