aptos-protos 0.2.7

Aptos Protobuf Definitions

Aptos Protobufs

This is a simple crate for working with the Aptos protobufs

Generating protos

We use buf to generate protos.

installation is easy on mac

brew install bufbuild/buf/buf

or for linux

# Substitute BIN for your bin directory.
# Substitute VERSION for the current released version.
BIN="/usr/local/bin" && \
VERSION="1.7.0" && \
  curl -sSL \
    "https://github.com/bufbuild/buf/releases/download/v${VERSION}/buf-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" \
    -o "${BIN}/buf" && \
  chmod +x "${BIN}/buf"

please check here for other OSes

Generating the protos requires protoc, as well as a few plugins:

cargo install protoc-gen-prost
cargo install protoc-gen-prost-serde
cargo install protoc-gen-prost-crate

Now we can generate the protos:

buf generate