apple-sys 0.2.0

The auto-managed -sys crate for Apple platforms using bindgen directly from build environment
name = "apple-sys"
version = "0.2.0"
edition = "2021"
description = "The auto-managed -sys crate for Apple platforms using bindgen directly from build environment"
keywords = ["sys", "apple", "macos", "bindgen"]
categories = ["api-bindings", "os::macos-apis"]
authors = ["Jeong YunWon <>"]
repository = ""
readme = "../"
license = "BSD-2-Clause"
include = ["/src", "/*.rs"]

# See more keys and their definitions at

objc = { version = "0.2.7", optional = true }

apple-bindgen = { path = "../bindgen", version = "0.2.0", default-features=false }
apple-sdk = "0.4.0"

default = ["objc"]
__allow_empty = []

AGL = []
ARKit = []
AVFAudio = []
AVFoundation = []
AVKit = []
AVRouting = []
Accelerate = []
Accessibility = []
Accounts = []
ActivityKit = []
AdServices = []
AdSupport = []
AddressBook = []
AddressBookUI = []
AppClip = []
AppIntents = []
AppKit = []
AppTrackingTransparency = []
AppleScriptKit = []
AppleScriptObjC = []
ApplicationServices = []
AssetsLibrary = []
AudioToolbox = []
AudioUnit = []
AudioVideoBridging = []
AuthenticationServices = []
AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration = []
Automator = []
BackgroundAssets = []
BackgroundTasks = []
BusinessChat = []
CFNetwork = []
CalendarStore = []
CallKit = []
CarPlay = []
Carbon = []
ClassKit = []
ClockKit = []
CloudKit = []
Cocoa = []
Collaboration = []
ColorSync = []
Contacts = []
ContactsUI = []
CoreAudio = []
CoreAudioKit = []
CoreBluetooth = []
CoreData = []
CoreFoundation = []
CoreGraphics = []
CoreHaptics = []
CoreImage = []
CoreLocation = []
CoreLocationUI = []
CoreMIDI = []
CoreML = []
CoreMedia = []
CoreMediaIO = []
CoreMotion = []
CoreNFC = []
CoreServices = []
CoreSpotlight = []
CoreTelephony = []
CoreText = []
CoreTransferable = []
CoreVideo = []
CoreWLAN = []
CryptoTokenKit = []
DVDPlayback = []
DataDetection = []
DeviceCheck = []
DeviceDiscoveryExtension = []
DeviceDiscoveryUI = []
DirectoryService = []
DiscRecording = []
DiscRecordingUI = []
DiskArbitration = []
EventKit = []
EventKitUI = []
ExceptionHandling = []
ExecutionPolicy = []
ExposureNotification = []
ExtensionFoundation = []
ExtensionKit = []
ExternalAccessory = []
FileProvider = []
FileProviderUI = []
FinderSync = []
ForceFeedback = []
Foundation = []
GLKit = []
GLUT = []
GSS = []
GameController = []
GameKit = []
GameplayKit = []
HealthKit = []
HealthKitUI = []
HomeKit = []
Hypervisor = []
ICADevices = []
IMServicePlugIn = []
IOBluetooth = []
IOBluetoothUI = []
IOKit = []
IOSurface = []
IOUSBHost = []
IdentityLookup = []
IdentityLookupUI = []
ImageCaptureCore = []
ImageIO = []
InputMethodKit = []
InstallerPlugins = []
InstantMessage = []
Intents = []
IntentsUI = []
JavaNativeFoundation = []
JavaRuntimeSupport = []
JavaScriptCore = []
Kerberos = []
KernelManagement = []
LDAP = []
LatentSemanticMapping = []
LinkPresentation = []
LocalAuthentication = []
LocalAuthenticationEmbeddedUI = []
MLCompute = []
MailKit = []
MapKit = []
Matter = []
MatterSupport = []
MediaAccessibility = []
MediaLibrary = []
MediaPlayer = []
MediaSetup = []
MediaToolbox = []
MessageUI = []
Messages = []
Metal = []
MetalFX = []
MetalKit = []
MetalPerformanceShaders = []
MetalPerformanceShadersGraph = []
MetricKit = []
MobileCoreServices = []
ModelIO = []
MultipeerConnectivity = []
NaturalLanguage = []
NearbyInteraction = []
NetFS = []
Network = []
NetworkExtension = []
NewsstandKit = []
NotificationCenter = []
OSAKit = []
OSLog = []
OpenAL = []
OpenCL = []
OpenDirectory = []
OpenGL = []
OpenGLES = []
PCSC = []
PDFKit = []
PHASE = []
ParavirtualizedGraphics = []
PassKit = []
PencilKit = []
Photos = []
PhotosUI = []
PreferencePanes = []
ProximityReader = []
PushKit = []
PushToTalk = []
Quartz = []
QuartzCore = []
QuickLook = []
QuickLookThumbnailing = []
QuickLookUI = []
ReplayKit = []
RoomPlan = []
SafariServices = []
SafetyKit = []
SceneKit = []
ScreenCaptureKit = []
ScreenSaver = []
ScreenTime = []
ScriptingBridge = []
Security = []
SecurityFoundation = []
SecurityInterface = []
SensorKit = []
ServiceManagement = []
SharedWithYou = []
SharedWithYouCore = []
ShazamKit = []
Social = []
SoundAnalysis = []
Speech = []
SpriteKit = []
StoreKit = []
SwiftUI = []
SyncServices = []
SystemConfiguration = []
SystemExtensions = []
TVMLKit = []
TVServices = []
TVUIKit = []
TWAIN = []
Tcl = []
ThreadNetwork = []
Twitter = []
UIKit = []
UniformTypeIdentifiers = []
UserNotifications = []
UserNotificationsUI = []
VideoDecodeAcceleration = []
VideoSubscriberAccount = []
VideoToolbox = []
Virtualization = []
Vision = []
VisionKit = []
WatchConnectivity = []
WatchKit = []
WebKit = []
WidgetKit = []
iAd = []
iTunesLibrary = []
vmnet = []