Macro apis::def_session

source ·
macro_rules! def_session {
    ( context $context:ident {
      PROCESSES where
        let $process_self:ident = self,
        let $message_in:ident   = message_in
        $(process $process:ident (
          $($field_name:ident : $field_type:ty $(= $field_default:expr)*),*
        ) $(-> ($presult_type:ty $(= $presult_default:expr)*))* {
          kind { $process_kind:expr }
          sourcepoints [ $($sourcepoint:ident),* ]
          endpoints    [ $($endpoint:ident),* ]
          $(initialize   $initialize:block)*
          $(terminate    $terminate:block)*
          handle_message $handle_message:block
          update         $update:block
      CHANNELS [
        $(channel $channel:ident <$local_type:ident> ($kind:ident) {
          producers [ $($producer:ident),+ ]
          consumers [ $($consumer:ident),+ ]
      MESSAGES [
        $(message $message_type:ident $message_variants:tt)*
      $(main: $main_process:ident)*

  ) => { ... };
    (@channel_id { }) => { ... };
    (@channel_id { $($channel:ident),+ }) => { ... };
    (@message_id { }) => { ... };
    (@message_id { $($message_type:ident),+ }) => { ... };
    ( @expr_option $expr:expr ) => { ... };
    ( @expr_option ) => { ... };
    ( @expr_default $default:expr ) => { ... };
    ( @expr_default ) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro to define all parts of a session.

Defines an instance of session:Context with the given name and the following associated types:

  • type MID = MessageId
  • type CID = ChannelId
  • type PID = ProcessId
  • type GMSG = GlobalMessage
  • type GPROC = GlobalProcess
  • type GPRES = GlobalPresult

Process and message types with the given names and specifications are defined with implementations of relevant traits.

Process handle_message and update behavior is provided as a block of code which is to be run inside of the actual trait methods where self is bound to the provided identifier in both cases, and the message_in (global message) argument of handle_message is bound to the provided identifier.


From examples/– defines two processes (Chargen and Upcase) connected by a channel sending Charstreammessages:

extern crate apis;

use apis::{channel, message, process, session};

apis::def_session! {
  context Mycontext {
    PROCESSES where
      let process    = self,
      let message_in = message_in
      process Chargen (update_count : u64) {
        kind { process::Kind::Isochronous {
          tick_ms: 20,
          ticks_per_update: 1 } }
        sourcepoints [Charstream]
        endpoints    []
        handle_message { apis::process::ControlFlow::Break }
        update         { apis::process::ControlFlow::Break }
      process Upcase (history : String) {
        kind { process::Kind::asynchronous_default() }
        sourcepoints []
        endpoints    [Charstream]
        handle_message { apis::process::ControlFlow::Break }
        update         { apis::process::ControlFlow::Break }
      channel Charstream <Charstreammessage> (Simplex) {
        producers [Chargen]
        consumers [Upcase]
      message Charstreammessage {
        Achar (char),

The handle_message and update definitions have been ommitted for brevity, but in general any block of code can be substituted that references the self and message_in bindings.