apache-avro 0.16.0

A library for working with Apache Avro in Rust
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//! Implementation of the Rabin fingerprint algorithm
use digest::{
    consts::U8, core_api::OutputSizeUser, generic_array::GenericArray, FixedOutput,
    FixedOutputReset, HashMarker, Output, Reset, Update,
use lazy_static::lazy_static;

const EMPTY: i64 = -4513414715797952619;

lazy_static! {
    static ref FPTABLE: [i64; 256] = {
        let mut fp_table: [i64; 256] = [0; 256];
        for i in 0..256 {
            let mut fp = i;
            for _ in 0..8 {
                fp = (fp as u64 >> 1) as i64 ^ (EMPTY & -(fp & 1));
            fp_table[i as usize] = fp

/// Implementation of the Rabin fingerprint algorithm using the Digest trait as described in [schema_fingerprints](https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#schema_fingerprints).
/// The digest is returned as the 8-byte little-endian encoding of the Rabin hash.
/// This is what is used for avro [single object encoding](https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#single_object_encoding)
/// ```rust
/// use apache_avro::rabin::Rabin;
/// use digest::Digest;
/// use hex_literal::hex;
/// // create the Rabin hasher
/// let mut hasher = Rabin::new();
/// // add the data
/// hasher.update(b"hello world");
/// // read hash digest and consume hasher
/// let result = hasher.finalize();
/// assert_eq!(result[..], hex!("60335ba6d0415528"));
/// ```
/// To convert the digest to the commonly used 64-bit integer value, you can use the i64::from_le_bytes() function
/// ```rust
/// # use apache_avro::rabin::Rabin;
/// # use digest::Digest;
/// # use hex_literal::hex;
/// # let mut hasher = Rabin::new();
/// # hasher.update(b"hello world");
/// # let result = hasher.finalize();
/// # assert_eq!(result[..], hex!("60335ba6d0415528"));
/// let i = i64::from_le_bytes(result.try_into().unwrap());
/// assert_eq!(i, 2906301498937520992)
/// ```
pub struct Rabin {
    result: i64,

impl Default for Rabin {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Rabin { result: EMPTY }

impl Update for Rabin {
    fn update(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
        for b in data {
            self.result = (self.result as u64 >> 8) as i64
                ^ FPTABLE[((self.result ^ *b as i64) & 0xff) as usize];

impl FixedOutput for Rabin {
    fn finalize_into(self, out: &mut GenericArray<u8, Self::OutputSize>) {

impl Reset for Rabin {
    fn reset(&mut self) {
        self.result = EMPTY;

impl OutputSizeUser for Rabin {
    // 8-byte little-endian form of the i64
    // See: https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#single_object_encoding
    type OutputSize = U8;

impl HashMarker for Rabin {}

impl FixedOutputReset for Rabin {
    fn finalize_into_reset(&mut self, out: &mut Output<Self>) {

mod tests {
    use super::Rabin;
    use apache_avro_test_helper::TestResult;
    use digest::Digest;
    use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;

    // See: https://github.com/apache/avro/blob/master/share/test/data/schema-tests.txt
    fn test1() -> TestResult {
        let data: &[(&str, i64)] = &[
            (r#""null""#, 7195948357588979594),
            (r#""boolean""#, -6970731678124411036),

        let mut hasher = Rabin::new();

        for (s, fp) in data {
            let res: &[u8] = &hasher.finalize_reset();
            let result = i64::from_le_bytes(res.try_into()?);
            assert_eq!(*fp, result);
