aorist_extendr-api 0.0.1

Fork of extendr-api for aorist project. Safe and user friendly bindings to the R programming language.
name = "aorist_extendr-api"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = [
    "andy-thomason <>",
    "Thomas Down",
    "Mossa Merhi Reimert <>",
    "Claus O. Wilke <>",
    "Hiroaki Yutani",
    "Bogdan State (fork maintainer) <>"
edition = "2018"
description = "Fork of extendr-api for aorist project. Safe and user friendly bindings to the R programming language."
license = "MIT"
repository = ""

libR-sys = "0.2.0"
aorist_extendr-macros = { path = "../aorist_extendr-macros", version="0.0.1" }
aorist_extendr-engine = { path = "../aorist_extendr-engine", version="0.0.1" }
ndarray = { version = "0.13.1", optional = true }
lazy_static = "1.4"

default = []

# All features to test
tests-all = ["ndarray", "libR-sys/use-bindgen"]

# The minimal set of features without all optional ones
tests-minimal = ["libR-sys/use-bindgen"]