aoc-helper 0.1.0

A helper for the advent of code

AOC Helper documentation

AOC Helper is a crate to make solving and sharing aoc problems in rust easier. It is inspired by cargo-aoc. cargo-aoc is a binary that will also take care of compilation, while this crate is a library you can import and use in your code. This aims to make it easier to share and debug other people's code, and to perhaps be easier to set up.

aoc-helper is a very simple crate right now, and all the functionality is in the Helper struct.


To get started, add aoc-helper to the dependencies section in your Cargo.toml:

cargo-aoc = "0.1.0"

You also need to provide a session ID for aoc-helper to be able to download your input files. The session ID is stored in a cookie called session in your browser on the aoc website if you're logged in. You can provide the session ID either through an environment variable with the name AOC_SESSION_ID or through the session_id function on Helper. The Helper struct stores all necessary information for an aoc day.

One instance stores the information for one aoc day. You can provide an optional serializer function to serialize the input data into a custom type. The serializer, and the solver functions if you're not using a custom serializer function, take &strs as input.


use aoc_helper::Helper;

// Create a new `Helper` instance for day 1 of 2015
// Note: this is not the actual problem from day 1 of 2015
let helper = Helper::new(2015, 1);
// Add some example cases for part 2
helper.part2_examples(vec!["random\nstuff\nfoo\nbaz", "foo\nbar\ntest\cases"]);
// Add a solver function for part 2
helper.part2(|x| x.lines().filter(|&y| y.contains("foo")).count());

// Run the solver functions on the example cases
// Run the solver functions on the day's input;