ao 0.2.1

Bindings to's libao failed to build ao-0.2.1
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: ao-0.6.1


libao bindings for Rust.


Build with cargo:

cargo build

Build documentation with rustdoc, rooted at doc/ao/index.html:

rustdoc src/

Run tests. Tests must not be run in parallel because libao may only be instantiated once in a given process. Running tests concurrently can cause race conditions on library initialization, causing spurious test failure:

REST_TEST_TASKS=1 cargo test

Write programs:

extern crate ao;

use ao::{AO, SampleFormat, Native, Device, DriverName};
use std::num::FloatMath;

fn main() {
    let lib = AO::init();
    let format: SampleFormat<i16> = SampleFormat {
        sample_rate: 44100,
        channels: 1,
        byte_order: Native,
        matrix: None
    let device = Device::file(&lib, DriverName("wav"), &format,
                              &Path::new("out.wav"), false);
    match device {
        Ok(d) => {
            let samples = Vec::<i16>::from_fn(44100, |i| {
                ((1.0 / 44100.0 / 440.0 * i as f32).sin() * 32767.0) as i16
        Err(e) => {
            println!("Failed to open output file: {}", e);