anyhow 1.0.18

A better Box<dyn Error>
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::{Command, ExitStatus};

// This code exercises the surface area that we expect of the std Backtrace
// type. If the current toolchain is able to compile it, we go ahead and use
// backtrace in anyhow.
const PROBE: &str = r#"

    use std::backtrace::{Backtrace, BacktraceStatus};
    use std::error::Error;
    use std::fmt::{self, Display};

    struct E;

    impl Display for E {
        fn fmt(&self, _formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

    impl Error for E {
        fn backtrace(&self) -> Option<&Backtrace> {
            let backtrace = Backtrace::capture();
            match backtrace.status() {
                BacktraceStatus::Captured | BacktraceStatus::Disabled | _ => {}

fn main() {
    match compile_probe() {
        Some(status) if status.success() => println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=backtrace"),
        _ => {}

fn compile_probe() -> Option<ExitStatus> {
    let rustc = env::var_os("RUSTC")?;
    let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR")?;
    let probefile = Path::new(&out_dir).join("");
    fs::write(&probefile, PROBE).ok()?;