anterofit 0.2.0

Wrap REST APIs with Rust traits using macros
Anterofit User's Guide

Anterofit makes it easy to abstract over REST APIs and asynchronous requests.

The core of Anterofit's abstraction power lies in its macro-based
generation of service traits, eliminating the noisy boilerplate
involved in creating and issuing HTTP requests. The
focal point of this power lies in the `service!{}` macro.

See the [README]( for setting up dependencies.


This document is a work-in-progress. If there is any information which you think would be helpful
to add, please feel free to open a pull request.

The [API Documentation]( also contains a wealth of information about
Anterofit and its functionality.

Creating Service Traits with `service!{}`

`service!{}` simply takes the definition of a trait item, with its method bodies in a particular format,
and generates an object-safe implementation of the service trait for the `Adapter` type.

service! {
    /// Trait wrapping `` API.
    pub trait MyService {
        /// Get the version of this API.
        fn api_version(&self) -> String {

        /// Register a user with the API.
        fn register(&self, username: &str, password: &str) {
            fields! {
                username, password

## Service Trait Method Overview

Service trait methods always take `&self` as the first parameter; this is purely
an implementation detail. Method parameters are passed to the implementation, unchanged.
They can be borrowed or owned, but there is some restriction on the usage
of borrowed parameters.

The return type of a trait method can be any type that implements the correct deserialization trait
for the serialization framework you're using:

* Serde (enabled by default): `Deserialize`, derived with `#[derive(Deserialize)]` via either 
[`serde_codegen`] (build script) or 
[`serde_derive`] (procedural macro).

* `rustc-serialize`: `Decodable`, derived with `#[derive(RustcDecodable)]`

The return type can also be omitted. Just like in regular Rust, it is implied to be `()`.

The body of a trait method is syntactically the same
as any (non-empty) Rust function: zero or more semicolon-terminated statements/expressions 
followed by an unterminated expression. However, there are a couple of major differences:

### HTTP Verb and URL

The first expression, which is always required, is structured like a function call, where the identifier 
outside is an HTTP verb and the inside is the URL string and any optional formatting arguments, in the vein
of `format!()` or `println!()`. This allows parameters to be interpolated into the URL. 
The most common HTTP verbs are supported: `GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE`

// If `id` is some parameter that implements `Display`
GET("/posts/{}", id)
POST("/posts/update/{}", id)
DELETE("/posts/{id}", id=id)

Notice that the paths in these declarations are not assumed to be complete URLs; instead, they will be appended to the 
base URL provided in the adapter. However, if necessary, they *can* be complete URLs, with the base URL being omitted 
during the construction of the adapter.

### Request Modifiers (query pairs, form fields, etc)

All expressions following the first, if any, are treated as modifiers to the request. 
Syntactically, any expression is allowed, but arbitrary expressions will likely not typecheck due to some
implementation details of the `service!{}` macro. Instead, you are expected to use the other macros provided 
by Anterofit to modify the request.

See the [`Macros` header in the crate docs][doc-macros] for more information.

#### Query Parameters

To add query parameters, sometimes called `GET` parameters, use `query!{}`, which takes a series of key-value
pairs; `Display` implementation is required, but the types don't have to be homogeneous and don't have to be `Send`
or `'static`:

service! {
    /// Hypothetical service getting user profiles.
    pub trait UserService {
        /// List usernames partially matching `search`, returning at most `max_count`.
        fn search_username(&self, search: &str, max_count: u32) -> Vec<User> {
            query! { 
                "search" => search,
                "max_count" => max_count,
#### HTTP Form Fields

To add form fields, sometimes called `POST` parameters, use `fields!{}`, which takes a series of key-value pairs
similar to `query!{}`; the requirements are mostly the same, but `fields!{}` also has an optional short-hand syntax
for when the identifier is the same as the field name. As an expansion of the first example:

service! {
    pub trait RegisterService {
        /// Register a user with the API.
        fn register(&self, username: &str, password: &str) {
            fields! {
                "username" => username,
                // Shorthand for `"password" => password,
#### File Upload

To add a file to be uploaded, use `path!()` (takes anything convertible to `PathBuf`) as a field value:
(Also showcases the generic syntax limitation of `service!{}`)

service! {
    pub trait AvatarService {
        /// Set a new avatar for the logged-in user.
        /// `UploadResponse` would say whether or not the file was accepted.
        /// If there was an error opening the file for upload, it will be in the `Request`
        fn upload_avatar[P: Into<PathBuf>](&self, file_path: P) -> UploadResponse {
            fields! {
                "avatar" => path!(file_path)
To add a stream to be uploaded (can be any generic `Read` impl), use `stream!()` as a field value. The server
will see this as a file field. `stream!()` has a few different variants depending on how much information you want to 
(Also showing `where` clause syntax)

// This gives us the `mime!()` macro shorthand
#[macro_use] extern crate mime;

service! {
    /// Some hypothetical file upload service
    pub trait UploadService {
        /// Uploads an `application/octet-stream` file
        fn upload_stream[R: Send + 'static](&self, stream: R) -> UploadResponse [where R: Read] {
            fields! {
                // The generic `Read` impl is the first value. `Send + 'static` is required.
                "stream" => stream!(stream),
        /// Upload a file to be interpreted as a PNG
        fn upload_png[R: Send + 'static](&self, image: R) -> UploadResponse [where R: Read] {
            fields! {
                "image" => stream!(image, content_type = mime!(Image/Png)),
        /// Upload a file to be interpreted as text, with the given filename
        fn upload_text[R: Send + 'static](&self, filename: &str, text: R) -> UploadResponse [where R: Read] {
            fields! {
                // Both `filename` and `content_type` keys are optional
                // The `filename` key can be borrowed
                "text" => stream!(text, filename = filename, content_type = mime!(Text/Plain)),

#### Custom Body

To set the request body, use the `body!()` macro. You would use this if your REST API is expecting parameters 
passed as, e.g. JSON, instead of in an HTTP form. `body!()`, of course, requires the given type to implement the 
serialization trait for your chosen framework (`rustc-serialize` or Serde). Also, by default, it requires
the type to be `Send + 'static`, as it will be serialized on the executor. Adding the `EAGER:` keyword forces
immediate serialization so that you have more freedom in the types you use, but is not recommended for large values
where serialization could take a long time or use a large memory buffer to store the serialized value.


pub struct NewPost<'a> {
    userId: u64,
    title: &'a str,
    message: &'a str

service! {
    pub trait PostService {
        fn create_post(&self, new_post: NewPost) {
            // The `EAGER` keyword forces immediate serialization
            // This allows values that are not `Send` or `'static`
            body!(EAGER: new_post)

You will need to set a serializer which can encode types in the right format; see the 
[Getting an Adapter / Serialization](#serialization) header for more information.

#### Custom Body with Key-Value Pairs

To set the request body as a series of key-value pairs, use `body_map!()`. This behaves as if you passed
a `HashMap` or `BTreeMap` of the key-value pairs to `body!()`, but does not require the keys to implement 
any trait except `std::fmt::Display` (thus, keys are not deduplicated or reordered--the server is expected to handle
it); values are, of course, expected to implement the serialization trait from the serialization framework you're using.

#### Advanced

To apply arbitrary mutations or transformations to the request builder, use `with_builder!()` or `map_builder!()`, 

For more advanced usage, you can use bare closure expressions that take `RequestBuilder` and return 
`Result<RequestBuilder, anterofit::Error>`. See `RequestBuilder::apply()`, which is used as a type hint
so that no type annotations are required on the closures. All the aforementioned macros wrap this mechanism.


### Delegation

When using Anterofit in a library context, such as when writing a wrapper for a public REST API, like Reddit's or Github's,
you may want to control construction of and access to the `Adapter` to limit potential footguns, but you may still
 want to use service traits in your public API to limit duplication. 
By default, service traits are implemented for 
`Adapter`, so this may seem at odds with the desire for abstraction. However, you can override this and have Anterofit automatically generate implementations of your service
traits for a custom type: all that is required is a closure expression that will serve as an accessor for the 
inner `Adapter` instance: 

pub struct MyDelegate {
    adapter: ::anterofit::Adapter,

service! {    
    pub trait MyService {
        /// Get the version of this API.
        fn api_version(&self) -> String {

        /// Register a user with the API.
        fn register(&self, username: &str, password: &str) {
            fields! {
                username, password
    // The expression inside the braces is expected to be `FnOnce(&Self) -> &Adapter<...>`
    impl for MyDelegate { |this| &this.adapter }

Notice that the adapter is completely concealed inside `MyDelegate`, but because of Rust's visibility
 rules, the service trait's impl can still access it. 

Making a `Call`

Now that you have a service trait defined, you're going to want to start issuing requests and getting responses, 
i.e. making calls.

### Getting an `Adapter`

The `Adapter` type is the starting point of all requests in Anterofit. As implied in the service traits section,
 all service traits are implemented for `Adapter` so that you can call their methods on it.
You can start building an adapter by calling `Adapter::builder()`, and you finish the builder by calling `build()`.
You'll also want to supply a base URL, which will be prepended to all service method URLs:

use anterofit::Adapter;

let adapter = Adapter::builder()

#### Serialization

Anterofit supports both serialization of request bodies, and deserialization of response bodies. However,
Anterofit does not use any specified data format by default. The default serializer returns an error for all types,
and the default deserializer only supports primitives and strings.

If you want to use the `body!()` or `body_map!()` macros in a request method, you'll need to set
a `Serializer` during construction of the adapter. Similarly, if you want to deserialize responses as complex types, 
you'll need to set a `Deserializer` at the same time:

use anterofit::Adapter;

let adapter = Adapter::builder()

For serializing and deserializing JSON, the adapter builder has a convenience method: `serialize_json()`,
and the `JsonAdapter` typedef for ease of naming:

use anterofit::{Adapter, JsonAdapter};

let adapter: JsonAdapter = Adapter::builder()

As of January 2017, Anterofit only supports JSON serialization and deserialization.

Relevant types are in the `serialize` module.

### Submitting a Request

Now that you have an `Adapter` instance, you can simply call your service trait methods on it. However,
to maintain good namespacing, you should coerce it to a trait object or pass it to a generic function which
restricts the API surface:

let my_service: &MyService = &adapter;

// Execute the request in the background, blocking until a result is available
let api_version = my_service.api_version().exec().block().unwrap());
println!("API version: {}", api_version);

fn register_user<S: MyService>(service: &S) {
    // Shorthand for `.exec().block()` but executes on the current thread instead
    my_service.register("my_user", "my_password").exec_here().unwrap();


The return type of `exec()` also implements `Future`, so you can integrate it into your event loop if you have one
or do other `Future`-y things with it.

If you want to supply callbacks that map the result when completed, you can add `on_complete()` or `on_result()`
before `exec()`:

// Execute the request in the background; the callback will be executed if it completes successfully;
// `ignore()` silences the "unused value" lint as we don't care about the result if it wasn't successful.
my_service.api_version().on_complete(| println!("API version: {}", api_version)

my_service.register("my_user", "my_password")
    .on_result(|res| {
        if let Err(e) = res {
            println!("Error registering user: {}", e);