ansitok 0.2.0

A library for parsing ANSI Escape Codes
ansi escape codes tokenization

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This is a library for parsing ANSI escape sequences.

The list of covered sequences.

* Cursor Position
* Cursor {Up, Down, Forward, Backward}
* Cursor {Save, Restore}
* Erase Display
* Erase Line
* Set Graphics mode
* Set/Reset Text Mode

# Usage

use ansitok::{parse_ansi, Output};

fn main() {
    let text = "\x1b[31;1;4mHello World\x1b[0m";

    for output in parse_ansi(text) {
        match output {
            Output::Text(text) => println!("Got a text: {:?}", text),
            Output::Escape(esc) => println!("Got an escape sequence: {:?}", esc),

# `no_std` support

`no_std` is supported via disabling the `std` feature in your `Cargo.toml`.

# Notes

The project got an insiration from