ansi-hex-color 0.1.1

Color the text on the terminal with ANSI and hex-code


anti-hex-color is a Rust library which color (ANSI 256-color) the given text in terminal.
Since you can specify the color with hex code, you can easily color it like CSS.


in Cargo.toml

ansi-hex-color = "0.1.1"


use ansi_hex_color;

fn main () {
	let foreground = "#FF0000";
	let background = "#004082";
	let txt = "Hello world";
	let colored_txt = ansi_hex_color::colored(
		foreground, background, txt);
	println!("{}", colored_txt);

Default style

If you put "" or a string other than hex code in the first and second arguments, the text will be default style(white text, no background).

let colored_txt = ansi_hex_color::colored("", "", "This is a default style.");