Module andiskaz::color[][src]

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This module provides colors that are usable with the terminal handle implemented by this library.


Adapts the brightness of the background color to match the foreground color of a pair of colors (Color2). This means background is modified.

Adapts the brightness of the foreground color to match the background color of a pair of colors (Color2). This means foreground is modified.

Error returned when a BasicColor is attempted to be created with an invalid code.

Error returned when a CmyColor is attempted to be created with invalid channels.

Error returned when a GrayColor is attempted to be created with an invalid brightness.

The brightness of a color.

A CMY (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow) color. The lower one of its component is, the more it subtracts.

A pair of colors (foreground and background).

An 8-bit encoded color for the terminal.

Contrasts the brightness of the background color against the foreground color of a pair of colors (Color2). This means background is modified.

Contrasts the brightness of the foreground color against the background color of a pair of colors (Color2). This means foreground is modified.

A gray-scale color. Goes from white, to gray, to black.

An RGB color ((Red-Green-Blue)). This is an additive color model, where the value of a color channel is how much the channel is added to the color. All channels zeroed are black.

Updates the background of a pair of colors (Color2) to the given color.

Updates the foreground of a pair of colors (Color2) to the given color.


A basic color used by the terminal.

A color usable in the terminal.

The kind of a color. enum representation of an 8-bit color.


A trait for types that can approximate their brightness.

A function that updates a Color2.