Crate andiskaz[][src]

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This crate provides basic utilities for writing applications with Terminal User Interface (TUI). It provides an event listener, and it provides a handle to a double buffered screen renderer.


This is an example for a simple Hello, World! application. For more examples, see examples folder.

use andiskaz::{
use std::{panic, process::exit};

/// Asynchronous main of a tokio project.
async fn main() {
    // Sets panic hook so we can see the panic even if terminal was being used
    // in raw mode.
    panic::set_hook(Box::new(|info| {
        let _ = emergency_restore();
        eprintln!("{}", info);

// Creates a terminal with default settings and runs it.
    let result = Terminal::run(term_main).await;
    // If error, prints it out and exits with bad code.
    if let Ok(Err(error)) | Err(error) = result {
        eprintln!("{}", error);

/// The terminal main function.
async fn term_main(mut term: Terminal) -> Result<(), Error> {
    // Allocates memory for a string which is safe to be printed.
    let string = tstring!["Hello, World! Press any key..."];
    // Style for the string.
    let style = Style::with_colors(Color2::default());
    // Initial rendering.
    term.lock_now().await?.screen().styled_text(&string, style);

    loop {
        // Awaits for an event (key pressed, screen resized, etc).
        let mut session = term.listen().await?;

        // Gets the event for the current terminal session.
        match session.event() {
            // We expect a key to exit the example.
            Some(Event::Key(_)) => break,
            // User resized screen? Then the whole screen was thrown out,
            // re-rendering is required.
            Some(Event::Resize(_)) => {
                session.screen().styled_text(&string, style);
            // Won't really happen since we waited for an event.
            None => (),



This module provides colors that are usable with the terminal handle implemented by this library.

Provides types related to the coordinate system.

This module exports error types used by the terminal handles.

This module defines input events of a terminal.

This module defines screen related utilities.

This module provides a string type used to be printed to the terminal. It is called “TermString”. You can use the macro tstring! to build a TermString as a shortcut for TermString::new_lossy.

This module provides styles for terminal text.

This crate exports a terminal terminal and its utilites.

This module exports items related to a “tile” in the screen, i.e. a character with foreground and background colors, corresponding to a graphic unit.

UI helpers.


Writes the given formatting expression into the file debug.txt.

Creates a TermString from string literal. Currently, invalid string get the unicode replacement character in their invalid characters. However, implementation may change to panic in those cases.

Concatenates various TermString or TermString-like into a new TermString. It takes everything by reference, and it is possible to mix types.


Best-effort function to restore the terminal in a panic.