anchor-client 0.30.1

An RPC client to interact with Anchor programs
An RPC client to interact with Solana programs written in [`anchor_lang`]. # Examples A simple example that creates a client, sends a transaction and fetches an account: ```ignore use std::rc::Rc; use anchor_client::{ solana_sdk::{ signature::{read_keypair_file, Keypair}, signer::Signer, system_program, }, Client, Cluster, }; use my_program::{accounts, instruction, MyAccount}; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // Create client let payer = read_keypair_file("keypair.json")?; let client = Client::new(Cluster::Localnet, Rc::new(payer)); // Create program let program = client.program(my_program::ID)?; // Send a transaction let my_account_kp = Keypair::new(); program .request() .accounts(accounts::Initialize { my_account: my_account_kp.pubkey(), payer: program.payer(), system_program: system_program::ID, }) .args(instruction::Initialize { field: 42 }) .signer(&my_account_kp) .send()?; // Fetch an account let my_account: MyAccount = program.account(my_account_kp.pubkey())?; assert_eq!(my_account.field, 42); Ok(()) } ``` More examples can be found in [here]. [here]: # Features The client is blocking by default. To enable asynchronous client, add `async` feature: ```toml anchor-client = { version = "0.30.1 ", features = ["async"] } ````