amqp_worker 0.9.0

AMQP Worker to listen and provide trait to process message
# Amqp Worker

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AMQP Worker to listen and provide trait to process message.
This git repository contains library used for each worker defined in Media Cloud AI.

## Environment variables

Some variables are defined to apply a custom setting. These variables are:

| Variable name          | Default value                | Description                                 |
| `AMQP_HOSTNAME`        | ``                  | IP or host of AMQP server                   |
| `AMQP_PORT`            | `5672`                       | AMQP server port                            |
| `AMQP_USERNAME`        | `guest`                      | User name used to connect to AMQP server    |
| `AMQP_PASSWORD`        | `guest`                      | Password used to connect to AMQP server     |
| `AMQP_VHOST`           | `/`                          | AMQP vhost                                  |
| `AMQP_TLS`             | `true`                       | Set to TRUE is HTTPS is activated.          |
| `AMQP_QUEUE`           | `job_undefined`              | AMQP queue                                  |
| `BACKEND_HOSTNAME`     | ``  | URL used to connect to backend server           |
| `BACKEND_USERNAME`     |                              | User name used to connect to backend server     |
| `BACKEND_PASSWORD`     |                              | Password used to connect to backend server      |