amqp_worker 0.7.0

AMQP Worker to listen and provide trait to process message

Amqp Worker

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AMQP Worker to listen and provide trait to process message. This git repository contains library used for each worker defined in Media Cloud AI.

Environment variables

Some variables are defined to apply a custom setting. These variables are:

Variable name Default value Description
AMQP_HOSTNAME IP or host of AMQP server
AMQP_PORT 5672 AMQP server port
AMQP_USERNAME guest User name used to connect to AMQP server
AMQP_PASSWORD guest Password used to connect to AMQP server
AMQP_TLS true Set to TRUE is HTTPS is activated.
AMQP_QUEUE job_undefined AMQP queue
BACKEND_HOSTNAME URL used to connect to backend server
BACKEND_USERNAME User name used to connect to backend server
BACKEND_PASSWORD Password used to connect to backend server