amqp-manager 0.1.0

Lapin wrapper that encapsulates the use of connections/channels and provides some helpful methods

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Lapin wrapper that encapsulates the use of connections/channels and provides some helpful methods making it easier to use and less error prone.


use amqp_manager::prelude::*;
use futures::FutureExt;
use tokio_amqp::LapinTokioExt;

async fn main() {
    let pool_manager = LapinConnectionManager::new("amqp://guest:guest@", &ConnectionProperties::default().with_tokio());
    let pool = r2d2::Pool::builder()
        .expect("Should build amqp connection pool");
    let amqp_manager = AmqpManager::new(pool).expect("Should create AmqpManager instance");
    let amqp_session = amqp_manager.get_session().await.expect("Should create AmqpSession instance");

    let queue_name = "queue-name";
    let create_queue_op = CreateQueue {
        queue_name: queue_name.to_string(),
        options: QueueDeclareOptions {
            auto_delete: false,

        .publish_to_queue(PublishToQueue {
            queue_name: queue_name.to_string(),
            payload: Bytes::from_static(b"Hello world!"),

            CreateConsumer {
                queue_name: queue_name.to_string(),
                consumer_name: "consumer-name".to_string(),
            |delivery: DeliveryResult| async {
                if let Ok(Some((channel, delivery))) = delivery {
                        .basic_ack(delivery.delivery_tag, BasicAckOptions::default())
                        .map(|_| ())

    let queue = amqp_session.create_queue(create_queue_op.clone()).await.expect("create_queue");
    assert_eq!(queue.message_count(), 0, "Messages has been consumed");

Build-time Requirements

The crate is tested on ubuntu-latest against the following rust versions: nightly, beta, stable and 1.45.0. It is possible that it works with older versions as well but this is not tested. Please see the details of the lapin crate about its requirements.