amplify_syn 2.0.0-beta.1

Amplifying syn capabilities: helper functions for creating proc macro libraries
// Rust language amplification derive library providing multiple generic trait
// implementations, type wrappers, derive macros and other language enhancements
// Written in 2019-2021 by
//     Dr. Maxim Orlovsky <>
// To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
// copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
// the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
// any warranty.
// You should have received a copy of the MIT License
// along with this software.
// If not, see <>.

//! Amplifying Rust language capabilities: helper functions for creating proc
//! macro libraries
//! # Examples
//! `#[name]` - single form
//! `#[name = "literal"]` - optional single value
//! `#[name = TypeName]` - path value
//! `#[name("literal", TypeName, arg = value)]` - list of arguments


extern crate quote;
extern crate syn;
extern crate proc_macro;

mod attr;
mod cls;
mod error;
mod parsers;
mod req;
mod val;
mod data;

pub use attr::{Attr, ExtractAttr, ParametrizedAttr, SingularAttr};
pub use cls::{LiteralClass, TypeClass, ValueClass};
pub use data::{
    DataInner, DataType, DeriveInner, Element, EnumKind, Field, FieldKind, Fields, Items,
    NamedField, Scope, Variant, Vis,
pub use error::Error;
pub use parsers::{MetaArg, MetaArgList, MetaArgNameValue};
pub use req::{ArgValueReq, AttrReq, ListReq, ValueReq};
pub use val::ArgValue;

/// Convenience macro for constructing [`struct@syn::Ident`] from literals
macro_rules! ident {
    ($ident:ident) => {
        ::syn::Ident::new(stringify!($ident), ::proc_macro2::Span::call_site())

/// Convenience macro for constructing [`struct@syn::Path`] from literals
macro_rules! path {
    ($ident:ident) => {

mod test {
    use proc_macro2::Span;
    use syn::Ident;

    fn ident() {
        assert_eq!(ident!(u8), Ident::new("u8", Span::call_site()));