amplify 1.2.0

Amplifying Rust language capabilities: multiple generic trait implementations, type wrappers, derive macros
# Rust Amplify Library
[![MIT licensed](](./LICENSE)

Amplifying Rust language capabilities: multiple generic trait implementations, 
type wrappers, derive macros.

Minimum supported rust compiler version (MSRV): 1.41.1

## Main features

### Derive macros

- Display
- From
- Error
- Getters
- AsAny

A sample of what can be done with the macros:
#[derive(From, Error, Display, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
    // You can specify multiple conversions with separate attributes
    /// Generic I/O error

    // This produces error description referencing debug representation
    // of the internal error type
    /// Formatting error: {_0:}

    /// Some complex error, here are details: {details}
    WithFields { details: ::std::str::Utf8Error },

    MultipleFields {
        // ...and you can also covert error type
        // rest of parameters must implement `Default`
        io: IoError,

        details: String,

See more in `amplify_derive` crate [README](derive/

### Macros

- `s!` for fast `&str` -> `String` conversions
- Collection-generating macros:
  - `map!` & `bmap!` for a rappid `HashMap` and `BTreeMap` creation
  - `set!` & `bset!` for a rappid `HashSet` and `BTreeSet` creation
  - `list!` for `LinkedList`

### Generics

Library proposes **generic implementation strategies**, which allow multiple
generic trait implementations. See `src/` mod for the details.

### Wapper type

TODO: write description

## Build

```shell script
rustup install nightly
rustup default nightly
cargo build --all
cargo test