amethyst 0.9.0

Data-oriented game engine written in Rust

Thanks for filing a bug! We provide an issue template for you to make sure
all the important details are presented upfront and we don't have to ask
for everything individually.

There are multiple places where you can provide one or multiple answers.
For that, just uncomment the points and fill in the missing information.

<!-- * This is what a commented (invisible) point looks like (without the "\") --\>
* This one got uncommented

In case there's a section that's irrelevant to your report, feel free to delete it.


## Kind of bug

<!-- * Crash -->
<!-- * Nothing happens -->
<!-- * Instability -->
<!-- * Wrong behavior (please specify the expected behavior) -->
<!-- * Other (describe below) -->

## Error message with stack trace (if relevant)

<details><summary>Click to expand</summary>

[Paste your error and stack trace here]


## Logging output including initialization output

<details><summary>Click to see platform and versions</summary>

[Paste your initialization output here]


<details><summary>Click to see logging output</summary>

[Paste important sections of your logging output]


## Reproduction

<!-- * I have used the following example from this repository: -->
<!-- * You can find my code here: -->
<!-- * I'm currently creating a minimal example for reproduction -->
<!-- * A reproduction is not necessary because I know the source of the bug -->

### Reproduction steps

1. Launch the project with `cargo run`
2. [etc]

### Screenshot (if appropriate)

## Source of the bug

<!-- * The bug is triggered by the following line (please use a permalink): -->
<!-- * I suspect the bug is located in the following Amethyst module: -->
<!-- * I suspect the bug is located in the following external dependency: -->