Macro alpm::log_action

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macro_rules! log_action {
    ($handle:tt, $prefix:tt, $($arg:tt)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Logs a formatted message.

A wrapper around the Alpm::log_action function that acts similar to writeln!.

Unline the Alpm::log_action function this macro automatically appends a newline to the message.

The first argument is a handle to alpm.

The second is the message prefix. This is usually the name of your program doing the logging.

The third and following arguments are the same as format!. The third argument must be a string literal.

Like Alpm::log_action` this returns a Result.


log_action!(handle, "coolprogram", "starting transaction").unwrap();
log_action!(handle, "coolprogram", "installing package {}", "xorg").unwrap();
log_action!(handle, "coolprogram", "installing packages {pkg1} {pkg2}", pkg1 = "xorg", pkg2 = "git").unwrap();