alphanumeric-sort 1.0.8

This crate can help you sort order for files and folders whose names contain numerals.
Alphanumeric Sort

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This crate can help you sort order for files and folders whose names contain numerals.

## Motives and Examples

With the Rust native `sort` method, strings and paths are arranged into lexicographical order. It's natural, but in some cases, it is not so intuitive. For example, there are screen snap shots named by **shot-%N** like **shot-2**, **shot-1**, **shot-11**. After a lexicographical sorting, they will be ordered into **shot-1**, **shot-11**, **shot-2**. However, we would prefer **shot-1**, **shot-2**, **shot-11** mostly.

let mut names = ["shot-2", "shot-1", "shot-11"];


assert_eq!(["shot-1", "shot-11", "shot-2"], names);

Thus, in this kind of case, an alphanumeric sort might come in handy.

extern crate alphanumeric_sort;

let mut names = ["shot-2", "shot-1", "shot-11"];

alphanumeric_sort::sort_str_slice(&mut names);

assert_eq!(["shot-1", "shot-2", "shot-11"], names);

extern crate alphanumeric_sort;

use std::path::Path;

let mut paths = [Path::new("shot-2"), Path::new("shot-1"), Path::new("shot-11")];

alphanumeric_sort::sort_path_slice(&mut paths);

assert_eq!([Path::new("shot-1"), Path::new("shot-2"), Path::new("shot-11")], paths);


## Documentation

## License