alog 0.3.0

Anonymize 'Combined Log Format' data


alog is a simple log file anonymizer.


In fact alog just replaces the first word[^1] on every line of any input stream with a customizable string.

So "log file anonymizer" might be a bit of an overstatement, but alog can be used to (very efficiently) replace the $remote_addr part in many access log formats, e.g. Nginx' default combined log format:

log_format combined '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
                    '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
                    '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';

By default any parseable $remote_addr is replaced by it's localhost representation,

  • any valid IPv4 address is replaced by '',
  • any valid IPv6 address is replaced by '::1' and
  • any String (what might be a domain name) with 'localhost'.

Lines without a $remote_addr part will remain unchanged (but can be skipped with [alog::Config::set_skip()] set to true).

[^1]: Any first substring separated by a b' ' (Space) from the remainder of the line.

Building alog

With version 0.3 [features] where added, so that the library crate won't pull unneeded dependencies anymore.

Commandline Tool

To build the alog commandline tool you now have to expicitly add --features.

cargo build --features alog-cli


cargo build --all-features


Commandline tool

Run cli-tool with --help.

./target/release/alog --help


extern crate alog;

use alog::{IOConfig, Config, run};

fn main() {
    let mut io_conf = IOConfig::default();
    let mut conf = Config::default();


    run(&io_conf, &conf);

Project status

alog started as a replacement for a <10 line Perl script running on an old backup host. So nothing shiny.. but it now serves as a journeyman's piece.

Along the way I expect the API to change quite a bit. I will update the README / Documentation when things quiet down, but until then (maybe a 1.x release) I will add features, move parts around and fix bugs when (and if) I find them.