allo-isolate 0.1.7

Run Multithreaded Rust along with Dart VM (in isolate).
use crate::{dart_array::DartArray, ffi::*};
use std::{ffi::CString, mem::ManuallyDrop};

/// A trait to convert between Rust types and Dart Types that could then
/// be sended to the isolate
/// see: [`crate::Isolate::post`]
pub trait IntoDart {
    /// Consumes `Self` and Performs the conversion.
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject;

impl<T> IntoDart for T
    T: Into<DartCObject>,
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject { self.into() }

impl IntoDart for () {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        DartCObject {
            ty: DartCObjectType::DartNull,
            // I don't know what value should we send, so I send a false
            // I guess dart vm check for the type first, so if it is null it
            // return null and ignore the value
            value: DartCObjectValue { as_bool: false },

impl IntoDart for u32 {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        DartCObject {
            ty: DartCObjectType::DartInt32,
            value: DartCObjectValue {
                as_int32: self as i32,

impl IntoDart for i32 {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        DartCObject {
            ty: DartCObjectType::DartInt32,
            value: DartCObjectValue { as_int32: self },

impl IntoDart for u64 {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        DartCObject {
            ty: DartCObjectType::DartInt64,
            value: DartCObjectValue {
                as_int64: self as i64,

impl IntoDart for i64 {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        DartCObject {
            ty: DartCObjectType::DartInt64,
            value: DartCObjectValue { as_int64: self },

impl IntoDart for i128 {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        DartCObject {
            ty: DartCObjectType::DartString,
            value: DartCObjectValue {
                // the value of CString get droped when we drop DartCObject
                // and that is happen after we send the message to the dart vm.
                as_string: CString::new(self.to_string())
                    // this safe, since i128 can be converted to string

impl IntoDart for u128 {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        DartCObject {
            ty: DartCObjectType::DartString,
            value: DartCObjectValue {
                as_string: CString::new(self.to_string())
                    // this safe, since u128 can be converted to string

impl IntoDart for f32 {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        DartCObject {
            ty: DartCObjectType::DartDouble,
            value: DartCObjectValue {
                as_double: self as f64,

impl IntoDart for f64 {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        DartCObject {
            ty: DartCObjectType::DartDouble,
            value: DartCObjectValue { as_double: self },

impl IntoDart for bool {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        DartCObject {
            ty: DartCObjectType::DartBool,
            value: DartCObjectValue { as_bool: self },

impl IntoDart for String {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        let s = CString::new(self).unwrap_or_default();

impl IntoDart for &'_ str {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject { self.to_string().into_dart() }

impl IntoDart for CString {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        DartCObject {
            ty: DartCObjectType::DartString,
            value: DartCObjectValue {
                as_string: self.into_raw(),

impl IntoDart for Vec<u8> {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        let mut vec = ManuallyDrop::new(self);
        let data = DartNativeTypedData {
            ty: DartTypedDataType::Uint8,
            length: vec.len() as isize,
            values: vec.as_mut_ptr(),
        let value = DartCObjectValue {
            as_typed_data: data,
        DartCObject {
            ty: DartCObjectType::DartTypedData,

impl IntoDart for Vec<i8> {
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        let mut vec = ManuallyDrop::new(self);
        let data = DartNativeTypedData {
            ty: DartTypedDataType::Int8,
            length: vec.len() as isize,
            values: vec.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _,
        let value = DartCObjectValue {
            as_typed_data: data,
        DartCObject {
            ty: DartCObjectType::DartTypedData,

impl<T> IntoDart for Vec<T>
    T: IntoDart,
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject { DartArray::from(self).into_dart() }

impl<T> IntoDart for Option<T>
    T: IntoDart,
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        match self {
            Some(v) => v.into_dart(),
            None => ().into_dart(),

impl<T, E> IntoDart for Result<T, E>
    T: IntoDart,
    E: ToString,
    fn into_dart(self) -> DartCObject {
        match self {
            Ok(v) => v.into_dart(),
            Err(e) => e.to_string().into_dart(),