Module all_is_cubes::camera

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Projection and view matrices, viewport and aspect ratio, visibility, raycasting into the scene, etc.


  • Defines a viewpoint in/of the world: a viewport (aspect ratio), projection matrix, and view matrix.
  • Deficiencies of a rendering.
  • Options for controlling rendering (not affecting gameplay except informationally).
  • A collection of values associated with each of the layers of graphics that is normally drawn (HUD on top of world, currently) by HeadlessRenderer or other renderers.
  • Image container produced by a HeadlessRenderer.
  • Bundle of inputs specifying the “standard” configuration of Cameras and other things to render an All is Cubes scene and user interface.
  • Specifies what to render for the UI layer in front of the world.
  • Viewport dimensions for rendering and UI layout with the correct resolution and aspect ratio.




  • Calculate an “eye position” (camera position) to view the entire given bounds.

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