all-is-cubes 0.5.0

Recursive voxel game engine. Can be used for voxel raytracing.
//! Text-based raytracing output.

use std::borrow::Cow;

use cgmath::{Decomposed, Transform, Vector2, Vector3};

use crate::camera::{eye_for_look_at, Camera, GraphicsOptions, Viewport};
use crate::math::{FreeCoordinate, Rgba};
use crate::raytracer::{PixelBuf, RaytraceInfo, RtBlockData, RtOptionsRef, SpaceRaytracer};
use crate::space::{Space, SpaceBlockData};

// TODO: better name, docs
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct CharacterRtData(pub Cow<'static, str>);

impl RtBlockData for CharacterRtData {
    type Options = ();

    fn from_block(_: RtOptionsRef<'_, Self::Options>, s: &SpaceBlockData) -> Self {
        // TODO: For more Unicode correctness, index by grapheme cluster
        // TODO: allow customizing the fallback character
                .map(|c| Cow::Owned(c.to_string()))

    fn error(_: RtOptionsRef<'_, Self::Options>) -> Self {

    fn sky(_: RtOptionsRef<'_, Self::Options>) -> Self {
        Self(Cow::Borrowed(" "))

/// Implements [`PixelBuf`] for text output: captures the first characters of block names
/// rather than colors.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct CharacterBuf {
    /// Text to draw, if determined yet.
    hit_text: Option<String>,

impl PixelBuf for CharacterBuf {
    type BlockData = CharacterRtData;

    fn opaque(&self) -> bool {

    fn add(&mut self, _surface_color: Rgba, d: &Self::BlockData) {
        if self.hit_text.is_none() {
            self.hit_text = Some(String::from(d.0.clone()));

    fn hit_nothing(&mut self) {
        self.hit_text = Some(".".to_owned());

    fn mean<const N: usize>(items: [Self; N]) -> Self {
        // TODO: we should at least find the mode (or maybe prefer None) instead of the first
        Self {
            hit_text: items.into_iter().flat_map(|cb| cb.hit_text).next(),

impl From<CharacterBuf> for String {
    fn from(buf: CharacterBuf) -> String {
        buf.hit_text.unwrap_or_else(|| ".".to_owned())

/// Print an image of the given space as “ASCII art”.
/// Intended for use in tests, to visualize the results in case of failure.
/// Accordingly, it always writes to the same destination as [`print!`] (which is
/// redirected when tests are run).
/// `direction` specifies the direction from which the camera will be looking towards
/// the center of the space. The text output will be 80 columns wide.
pub fn print_space(space: &Space, direction: impl Into<Vector3<FreeCoordinate>>) {
    print_space_impl(space, direction, |s| {

/// Version of `print_space` that takes a destination, for testing.
fn print_space_impl<F: FnMut(&str)>(
    space: &Space,
    direction: impl Into<Vector3<FreeCoordinate>>,
    mut write: F,
) -> RaytraceInfo {
    // TODO: optimize height (and thus aspect ratio) for the shape of the space
    let mut camera = Camera::new(
        Viewport {
            nominal_size: Vector2::new(40., 40.),
            framebuffer_size: Vector2::new(80, 40),
            eye_for_look_at(space.bounds(), direction.into()),
            Vector3::new(0., 1., 0.),

    SpaceRaytracer::<CharacterRtData>::new(space, GraphicsOptions::default(), ())
        .trace_scene_to_text::<CharacterBuf, _, _>(&camera, "\n", move |s| {
            let r: Result<(), ()> = Ok(());

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::block::{Block, Resolution::R4};
    use crate::content::make_some_blocks;
    use crate::universe::Universe;

    fn print_space_test() {
        let mut space = Space::empty_positive(3, 1, 1);
        let [b0, b1, b2] = make_some_blocks();
        space.set((0, 0, 0), &b0).unwrap();
        space.set((1, 0, 0), &b1).unwrap();
        space.set((2, 0, 0), &b2).unwrap();

        let mut output = String::new();
        print_space_impl(&space, (1., 1., 1.), |s| output += s);

    /// Check that blocks with small spaces are handled without out-of-bounds errors
    fn partial_voxels() {
        let resolution = R4;
        let mut universe = Universe::new();
        let mut block_space = Space::empty_positive(4, 2, 4);
            .fill_uniform(block_space.bounds(), Block::from(Rgba::WHITE))
        let space_ref = universe.insert_anonymous(block_space);
        let partial_block = Block::builder()
            .voxels_ref(resolution, space_ref.clone())

        let mut space = Space::empty_positive(2, 1, 1);
        let [b0] = make_some_blocks();
        space.set([0, 0, 0], &b0).unwrap();
        space.set([1, 0, 0], &partial_block).unwrap();

        let mut output = String::new();
        print_space_impl(&space, (1., 1., 1.), |s| output += s);
                ...................0000000000000000000000000000    .............................\n\
                ....................000000000000000000000000000           ......................\n\
                ....................000000000000000000000000000                  ...............\n\
                .....................0000000000000000000000000                       ...........\n\
                ......................00000000000000000000000PP                      ...........\n\
                ......................00000000000000000000PPPPPPPPPP                ............\n\
                .......................000000000000000PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP           .............\n\
                .......................000000000000PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP     ..............\n\