all-is-cubes 0.5.0

Recursive voxel game engine. Can be used for voxel raytracing.
use bitvec::vec::BitVec;
use cgmath::{EuclideanSpace as _, MetricSpace as _, Point3, Vector3, Zero as _};
use ordered_float::OrderedFloat;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::ops::Range;

use crate::camera::Flaws;
use crate::math::{Face6, GridAab, GridCoordinate, GridPoint, GridRotation};
use crate::mesh::{BlockMesh, GfxVertex, MeshOptions, TextureTile};
use crate::space::{BlockIndex, Space};

/// A triangle mesh representation of a [`Space`] (or part of it) which may
/// then be rasterized.
/// A [`SpaceMesh`] may be used multiple times as a [`Space`] is modified.
/// Currently, the only benefit of this is avoiding reallocating memory.
/// The type parameters allow adaptation to the target graphics API:
/// * `V` is the type of vertices.
/// * `T` is the type of textures, which come from a [`TextureAllocator`].
/// [`TextureAllocator`]: super::TextureAllocator
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct SpaceMesh<V, T> {
    vertices: Vec<V>,
    indices: Vec<u32>,

    /// Where in `indices` the triangles with no partial transparency are arranged.
    opaque_range: Range<usize>,

    /// Ranges of `indices` for all partially-transparent triangles, sorted by depth
    /// as documented in [`Self::transparent_range()`].
    /// The indices of this array are those produced by [`DepthOrdering::to_index()`].
    transparent_ranges: [Range<usize>; DepthOrdering::COUNT],

    /// Set of all [`BlockIndex`]es whose meshes were incorporated into this mesh.
    block_indices_used: BitVec,

    /// Texture tiles used by the vertices; holding these objects is intended to ensure
    /// the texture coordinates stay valid.
    textures_used: Vec<T>,

    /// Flaws in this mesh, that should be reported as flaws in any rendering containing it.
    // TODO: evaluate whether we should have a dedicated `MeshFlaws`, once we have seen how
    // this works out.
    flaws: Flaws,

impl<V, T> SpaceMesh<V, T> {
    #[allow(clippy::doc_markdown)] //
    /// Computes a triangle mesh of a [`Space`].
    /// Shorthand for
    /// <code>[SpaceMesh::default()].[compute](SpaceMesh::compute)(space, bounds, block_meshes)</code>.
    pub fn new<'p, P>(
        space: &Space,
        bounds: GridAab,
        options: &MeshOptions,
        block_meshes: P,
    ) -> SpaceMesh<V, T>
        V: GfxVertex + 'p,
        P: BlockMeshProvider<'p, V, T>,
        T: TextureTile + 'p,
        let mut this = Self::default();
        this.compute(space, bounds, options, block_meshes);

    /// The vertices of the mesh, in an arbitrary order. Use [`indices()`](`Self::indices`)
    /// and the range methods to determine how to use them.
    pub fn vertices(&self) -> &[V] {

    /// The indices of the mesh. Each consecutive three numbers denote a triangle
    /// whose vertices are in the specified positions in [`vertices()`](Self::vertices).
    /// Note that all triangles containing any partial transparency are repeated
    /// several times to enable selection of a desired draw ordering; in order to
    /// draw only one desired set, use [`self.opaque_range()`](Self::opaque_range) and
    /// [`self.transparent_range(…)`](Self::transparent_range) to choose subslices of this.
    pub fn indices(&self) -> &[u32] {

    /// Reports any flaws in this mesh: reasons why using it to create a rendering would
    /// fail to accurately represent the scene.
    pub fn flaws(&self) -> Flaws {

    /// True if there is nothing to draw.
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

    /// The range of [`Self::indices`] which contains the triangles with only alpha values
    /// of 0 or 1 and therefore may be drawn using a depth buffer rather than sorting.
    pub fn opaque_range(&self) -> Range<usize> {

    /// A range of [`Self::indices`] which contains the triangles with alpha values other
    /// than 0 and 1 which therefore must be drawn with consideration for ordering.
    /// There are multiple such ranges providing different depth-sort orderings.
    /// Notably, [`DepthOrdering::Within`] is reserved for dynamic (frame-by-frame)
    /// sorting, invoked by [`Self::depth_sort_for_view`].
    pub fn transparent_range(&self, ordering: DepthOrdering) -> Range<usize> {

    pub fn blocks_used_iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = BlockIndex> + '_ {
        self.block_indices_used.iter_ones().map(|i| i as BlockIndex)

    #[allow(dead_code)] // used conditionally
    fn consistency_check(&self) {
        assert_eq!(self.opaque_range().start, 0);
        let len_transparent = self.transparent_range(DepthOrdering::Any).len();
        for &rot in &GridRotation::ALL {
                "transparent range {rot:?} does not have the same \
                    length ({len_transparent}) as others"
        assert_eq!(self.opaque_range().end % 3, 0);
        assert_eq!(self.indices.len() % 3, 0);
        for index in self.indices.iter().copied() {
            assert!(index < self.vertices.len() as u32);

impl<V: GfxVertex, T: TextureTile> SpaceMesh<V, T> {
    /// Computes triangles for the contents of `space` within `bounds` and stores them
    /// in `self`.
    /// The generated vertex positions will be translated so that `bounds.lower_bounds()`
    /// in `space`'s coordinate system will be zero in the mesh's coordinate system.
    /// (This ensures that large `Space`s do not affect the precision of rendering.)
    /// `block_meshes` should be the result of [`block_meshes_for_space`] or another
    /// [`BlockMeshProvider`],
    /// and must be up-to-date with the [`Space`]'s blocks or the result will be inaccurate
    /// and may contain severe lighting errors.
    /// Note about edge case behavior: This algorithm does not use the [`Space`]'s block data
    /// at all. Thus, it always has a consistent interpretation based on
    /// `block_meshes` (as opposed to, for example, using face opacity data not the
    /// same as the meshes and thus producing a rendering with gaps in it).
    /// [`block_meshes_for_space`]: super::block_meshes_for_space
    pub fn compute<'p, P>(
        &mut self,
        space: &Space,
        bounds: GridAab,
        _options: &MeshOptions,
        mut block_meshes: P,
    ) where
        P: BlockMeshProvider<'p, V, T>,
        V: 'p,
        T: 'p,
        // use the buffer but not the existing data
        self.flaws = Flaws::empty();

        // Use temporary buffer for positioning the transparent indices
        // TODO: Consider reuse
        let mut transparent_indices = Vec::new();

        for cube in bounds.interior_iter() {
            // TODO: On out-of-range, draw an obviously invalid block instead of an invisible one?
            // Do we want to make it the caller's responsibility to specify in-bounds?
            let index: BlockIndex = match space.get_block_index(cube) {
                Some(index) => index,
                None => continue,
            let already_seen_index = bitset_set_and_get(&mut self.block_indices_used, index.into());
            let block_mesh = match block_meshes.get(index) {
                Some(mesh) => mesh,
                None => continue,

            if !already_seen_index {
                // Capture texture handles to ensure that our texture coordinates stay valid.
                // Record flaws
                self.flaws |= block_mesh.flaws();

                // translate mesh to be always located at lower_bounds
                cube - bounds.lower_bounds().to_vec(),
                &mut self.vertices,
                &mut self.indices,
                &mut transparent_indices,
                |face| {
                    let adjacent_cube = cube + face.normal_vector();
                    if let Some(adj_block_index) = space.get_block_index(adjacent_cube) {
                        if block_meshes
                            .map(|adj_mesh| adj_mesh.face_vertices[face.opposite()].fully_opaque)
                            // Don't draw obscured faces, but do record that we depended on them.
                                &mut self.block_indices_used,
                            return true;



    /// Given the indices of vertices of transparent quads (triangle pairs), copy them in
    /// various depth-sorted permutations into `self.indices` and record the array-index
    /// ranges which contain each of the orderings in `self.opaque_range` and
    /// `self.transparent_ranges`.
    /// The orderings are identified by [`GridRotation`] values, in the following way:
    /// each rotation defines three basis vectors which we usually think of as “rotated
    /// X, rotated Y, rotated Z”; we instead treat them as “tertiary sort key, secondary
    /// sort key, primary sort key”, with descending order. As a key example, the identity
    /// rotation designates an ordering which is suitable for looking at the world in the
    /// the -Z direction (which is our unrotated camera orientation), because the sort
    /// ordering puts the objects with largest Z frontmost. To tie-break, the Y and X axes
    /// are considered; thus the remaining sort order is one suitable for looking somewhat
    /// downward and leftward.
    /// It is not sufficient to merely use the view direction vector to pick a rotation,
    /// unless the projection is orthographic; given perspective, instead, the direction
    /// from the viewpoint to the geometry should be used. For any volume the camera
    /// does not occupy, there is a suitable single such direction; for those it does,
    /// dynamic sorting must be used.
    /// See [volumetric sort (2006)] for a description of the algorithm we're implementing
    /// using these sorts.
    /// [volumetric sort (2006)]:
    fn sort_and_store_transparent_indices(&mut self, transparent_indices: Vec<u32>) {
        self.opaque_range = 0..self.indices.len();

        if !V::WANTS_DEPTH_SORTING || transparent_indices.is_empty() {
            // Either there is nothing to sort (and all ranges will be length 0),
            // or the destination doesn't want sorting anyway. In either case, write the
            // indices once and fill out transparent_ranges with copies of that range.
            let range = extend_giving_range(&mut self.indices, transparent_indices);
        } else {
            // Precompute midpoints (as sort keys) of all of the transparent quads.
            // This does assume that the input `BlockMesh`es contain strictly quads
            // and no other polygons, though.
            struct QuadWithMid<S> {
                indices: [u32; 6],
                midpoint: Point3<S>,
            let quads = bytemuck::cast_slice::<u32, [u32; 6]>(&transparent_indices);
            let mut sortable_quads: Vec<QuadWithMid<V::Coordinate>> = quads
                .map(|&indices| QuadWithMid {
                    midpoint: Self::midpoint(&self.vertices, indices),

            // Copy unsorted indices into the main array, for later dynamic sorting.
            self.transparent_ranges[DepthOrdering::Within.to_index()] =
                extend_giving_range(&mut self.indices, transparent_indices);

            // Perform sorting by each possible ordering.
            // Note that half of the orderings are mirror images of each other,
            // so do not require independent sorting; instead we copy the previous sorted
            // result in reverse.
            for rot in GridRotation::ALL_BUT_REFLECTIONS {
                let ordering = DepthOrdering::Direction(rot);

                // This inverse() is because the rotation is defined as
                // "rotate the view direction to a fixed orientation",
                // but we're doing "rotate the geometry" instead.
                let basis = rot.inverse().to_basis();

                // Note: Benchmarks show that `sort_by_key` is fastest
                // (not `sort_unstable_by_key`).
                sortable_quads.sort_by_key(|quad| -> [OrderedFloat<V::Coordinate>; 3] {
                        .map(|f| OrderedFloat(

                // Copy the sorted indices into the main array, and set the corresponding
                // range.
                self.transparent_ranges[ordering.to_index()] = extend_giving_range(
                    &mut self.indices,
                    sortable_quads.iter().flat_map(|tri| tri.indices),

                // Store a mirrored copy of the ordering.
                // (We could save some memory by reusing the coinciding last quad which is
                // this ordering's first quad, but that doesn't currently feel worth
                // implementing.)
                self.transparent_ranges[ordering.rev().to_index()] = extend_giving_range(
                    &mut self.indices,
                    sortable_quads.iter().rev().flat_map(|tri| tri.indices),

    /// Sort the existing indices of `self.transparent_range(DepthOrdering::Within)` for
    /// the given view position.
    /// This is intended to be cheap enough to do every frame.
    /// Returns whether anything was done, i.e. whether the new indices should be copied
    /// to the GPU.
    /// Note that in the current implementation, the return value is `true` even if no
    /// reordering occurred, unless there is nothing to sort. This may be improved in the future.
    pub fn depth_sort_for_view(&mut self, view_position: Point3<V::Coordinate>) -> bool {
        if !V::WANTS_DEPTH_SORTING {
            return false;
        let range = self.transparent_range(DepthOrdering::Within);
        if range.len() < 12 {
            // No point in sorting unless there's at least two quads.
            return false;

        let slice: &mut [u32] = &mut self.indices[range];
        // We want to sort the triangles, so we reinterpret the slice as groups of 3 indices.
        let slice: &mut [[u32; 6]] = bytemuck::cast_slice_mut(slice);
        let vertices = &self.vertices; // borrow for closure
        slice.sort_unstable_by_key(|indices| {
            -OrderedFloat(view_position.distance2(Self::midpoint(vertices, *indices)))


    /// Compute quad midpoint from quad vertices, for depth sorting.
    fn midpoint(vertices: &[V], indices: [u32; 6]) -> Point3<V::Coordinate> {
        let one_half = <V::Coordinate as num_traits::NumCast>::from(0.5f32).unwrap();
        let v0 = vertices[indices[0] as usize].position();
        let v1 = vertices[indices[1] as usize].position();
        let v2 = vertices[indices[2] as usize].position();
        let max = v0
            .zip(v1, num_traits::Float::max)
            .zip(v2, num_traits::Float::max);
        let min = v0
            .zip(v1, num_traits::Float::min)
            .zip(v2, num_traits::Float::min);
        (max + min.to_vec()) * one_half

/// Copy and adjust vertices from a [`BlockMesh`] into the storage of a [`SpaceMesh`].
/// This does not perform depth sorting and does not account for mesh or texture dependencies.
/// * `block_mesh` is the input mesh to copy.
/// * `cube` is the position passed to `V::instantiate_block()`.
/// * `vertices`, `opaque_indices`, and `transparent_indices` are the destination to append to.
/// * `neighbor_is_fully_opaque` is called to determine whether this block's faces are
///   obscured. It is a function so that lookups can be skipped if their answer would
///   make no difference.
fn write_block_mesh_to_space_mesh<V: GfxVertex, T: TextureTile>(
    block_mesh: &BlockMesh<V, T>,
    cube: GridPoint,
    vertices: &mut Vec<V>,
    opaque_indices: &mut Vec<u32>,
    transparent_indices: &mut Vec<u32>,
    mut neighbor_is_fully_opaque: impl FnMut(Face6) -> bool,
) {
    if block_mesh.is_empty() {

    let inst = V::instantiate_block(cube);

    for (face, face_mesh) in block_mesh.all_face_meshes() {
        if face_mesh.is_empty() {
            // Nothing to do; skip opacity lookup.
        if let Ok(face) = Face6::try_from(face) {
            if neighbor_is_fully_opaque(face) {
                // Skip face fully obscured by a neighbor.

        // Copy vertices, offset to the block position
        let index_offset_usize = vertices.len();
        let index_offset: u32 = index_offset_usize
            .expect("vertex index overflow");
        for vertex in &mut vertices[index_offset_usize..] {
        opaque_indices.extend(face_mesh.indices_opaque.iter().map(|i| i + index_offset));
                .map(|i| i + index_offset),

/// We need a Range constant to be able to initialize arrays.
const ZERO_RANGE: Range<usize> = 0..0;

impl<V, T> Default for SpaceMesh<V, T> {
    /// Construct an empty [`SpaceMesh`] which draws nothing.
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            vertices: Vec::new(),
            indices: Vec::new(),
            opaque_range: ZERO_RANGE,
            transparent_ranges: [ZERO_RANGE; DepthOrdering::COUNT],
            block_indices_used: BitVec::new(),
            textures_used: Vec::new(),
            flaws: Flaws::empty(),

impl<V: GfxVertex, T: TextureTile> From<&BlockMesh<V, T>> for SpaceMesh<V, T> {
    /// Construct a `SpaceMesh` containing the given `BlockMesh`.
    /// The result will be identical to creating a [`Space`] with bounds
    /// `GridAab::ORIGIN_CUBE` and placing the block in it,
    /// but more efficient.
    fn from(block_mesh: &BlockMesh<V, T>) -> Self {
        let mut block_indices_used = BitVec::new();

        let mut space_mesh = Self {
            vertices: Vec::with_capacity(
                    .map(|(_, fm)| fm.vertices.len())
            indices: Vec::with_capacity(
                    .map(|(_, fm)| fm.indices_opaque.len())
            opaque_range: 0..0,
            transparent_ranges: [ZERO_RANGE; DepthOrdering::COUNT],
            textures_used: block_mesh.textures_used.clone(),
            flaws: block_mesh.flaws(),

        let mut transparent_indices = Vec::with_capacity(
                .map(|(_, fm)| fm.indices_transparent.len())
            &mut space_mesh.vertices,
            &mut space_mesh.indices,
            &mut transparent_indices,
            |_| false,


/// Set the given element in the [`BitVec`] to `true`, and return the old
/// value.
fn bitset_set_and_get(v: &mut BitVec, index: usize) -> bool {
    let previous = if index >= v.len() {
        v.resize(index + 1, false);
    } else {
    v.set(index, true);

/// `storage.extend(items)` plus reporting the added range of items
fn extend_giving_range<T>(
    storage: &mut Vec<T>,
    items: impl IntoIterator<Item = T>,
) -> Range<usize> {
    let start = storage.len();
    let end = storage.len();

/// Source of [`BlockMesh`] values for [`SpaceMesh::compute`].
/// This trait allows the caller of [`SpaceMesh::compute`] to provide an
/// implementation which e.g. lazily computes meshes.
/// TODO: This currently only has one implementation and should be discarded if it is not
/// a useful abstraction.
pub trait BlockMeshProvider<'a, V, T> {
    fn get(&mut self, index: BlockIndex) -> Option<&'a BlockMesh<V, T>>;
impl<'a, V, T> BlockMeshProvider<'a, V, T> for &'a [BlockMesh<V, T>] {
    fn get(&mut self, index: BlockIndex) -> Option<&'a BlockMesh<V, T>> {
        <[_]>::get(self, usize::from(index))

/// Identifies a back-to-front order in which to draw triangles (of a [`SpaceMesh`]),
/// based on the direction from which they are being viewed.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub enum DepthOrdering {
    /// Any ordering is acceptable.
    /// The viewpoint is within the volume; therefore dynamic rather than precomputed
    /// sorting must be used.
    /// The viewpoint is outside the volume in a particular direction.
    /// The [`GridRotation`] is a rotation which will rotate the vector pointing from
    /// the viewpoint to the triangles such that it lies in the crooked-pyramid-shaped
    /// 48th of space where <var>x</var> &ge; <var>y</var> &ge; <var>z</var> &ge; 0.
    /// For more information on this classification scheme and the sort that uses it,
    /// see [volumetric sort (2006)].
    /// [volumetric sort (2006)]:

impl DepthOrdering {
    // The numeric ordering is used only internally.
    const ROT_COUNT: usize = GridRotation::ALL.len();
    const COUNT: usize = Self::ROT_COUNT + 1;

    #[allow(dead_code)] // TODO: not currently used but should it be in tests?
    fn from_index(index: usize) -> Self {
        const LAST_ROT: usize = DepthOrdering::ROT_COUNT - 1;
        match index {
            0..=LAST_ROT => Self::Direction(GridRotation::ALL[index]),
            DepthOrdering::ROT_COUNT => Self::Within,
            _ => panic!("out of range"),

    fn to_index(self) -> usize {
        match self {
            DepthOrdering::Direction(rotation) => rotation as usize,
            DepthOrdering::Within | DepthOrdering::Any => DepthOrdering::ROT_COUNT,

    /// Calculates the `DepthOrdering` value for a particular viewing direction, expressed
    /// as a vector from the camera to the geometry.
    /// If the vector is zero, [`DepthOrdering::Within`] will be returned. Thus, passing
    /// coordinates in units of chunks will result in returning `Within` exactly when the
    /// viewpoint is within the chunk (implying the need for finer-grained sorting).
    pub fn from_view_direction(direction: Vector3<GridCoordinate>) -> DepthOrdering {
        if direction == Vector3::zero() {
            return DepthOrdering::Within;

        // Find the axis permutation that sorts the coordinates descending.
        // Or, actually, its inverse, because that's easier to think about and write down.
        let abs =;
        let permutation = if abs.z > abs.x {
            if abs.y > abs.x {
                if abs.z > abs.y {
                } else {
            } else if abs.z > abs.y {
            } else {
        } else if abs.y > abs.x {
        } else {
            if abs.z > abs.y {
            } else {

        // Find which axes need to be negated to get a nonnegative result.
        let flips = if direction.x < 0 {
        } else {
        } * if direction.y < 0 {
        } else {
        } * if direction.z < 0 {
        } else {

        // Compose the transformations.
        DepthOrdering::Direction(permutation.inverse() * flips)

    fn rev(self) -> Self {
        match self {
            DepthOrdering::Any | DepthOrdering::Within => self,
            DepthOrdering::Direction(rot) => DepthOrdering::Direction(rot * GridRotation::Rxyz),