Function algos::pattern::horspool[][src]

pub fn horspool(pattern: &[u8], find: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, usize>

Horspool: Search for the pattern in the find parameter in a slice.

It returns Ok holding the index of the first character of find that was found or Err holding the last index it searched if not find.

It is a variation of the Boyer-Moore algorithm.

Case Time complexity Space complexity
Best: Ω(n/m)
Avrg: θ(n+m)
Worst: O(nm) O(δ)

Obs.: δ is the max size of u8.


use algos::pattern;

let p = "ATCGGATTTCAGAAGCT".as_bytes();

let find = pattern::horspool(&p, &"TTT".as_bytes());
assert_eq!(find, Ok(6));