alexcrichton-cranelift-codegen-meta 0.53.0

Metaprogram for cranelift-codegen code generator library
use crate::cdsl::operands::{EnumValues, OperandKind, OperandKindFields};

use std::collections::HashMap;

pub(crate) struct Immediates {
    /// A 64-bit immediate integer operand.
    /// This type of immediate integer can interact with SSA values with any IntType type.
    pub imm64: OperandKind,

    /// An unsigned 8-bit immediate integer operand.
    /// This small operand is used to indicate lane indexes in SIMD vectors and immediate bit
    /// counts on shift instructions.
    pub uimm8: OperandKind,

    /// An unsigned 32-bit immediate integer operand.
    pub uimm32: OperandKind,

    /// An unsigned 128-bit immediate integer operand.
    /// This operand is used to pass entire 128-bit vectors as immediates to instructions like
    /// const.
    pub uimm128: OperandKind,

    /// A constant stored in the constant pool.
    /// This operand is used to pass constants to instructions like vconst while storing the
    /// actual bytes in the constant pool.
    pub pool_constant: OperandKind,

    /// A 32-bit immediate signed offset.
    /// This is used to represent an immediate address offset in load/store instructions.
    pub offset32: OperandKind,

    /// A 32-bit immediate floating point operand.
    /// IEEE 754-2008 binary32 interchange format.
    pub ieee32: OperandKind,

    /// A 64-bit immediate floating point operand.
    /// IEEE 754-2008 binary64 interchange format.
    pub ieee64: OperandKind,

    /// An immediate boolean operand.
    /// This type of immediate boolean can interact with SSA values with any BoolType type.
    pub boolean: OperandKind,

    /// A condition code for comparing integer values.
    /// This enumerated operand kind is used for the `icmp` instruction and corresponds to the
    /// condcodes::IntCC` Rust type.
    pub intcc: OperandKind,

    /// A condition code for comparing floating point values.
    /// This enumerated operand kind is used for the `fcmp` instruction and corresponds to the
    /// `condcodes::FloatCC` Rust type.
    pub floatcc: OperandKind,

    /// Flags for memory operations like `load` and `store`.
    pub memflags: OperandKind,

    /// A register unit in the current target ISA.
    pub regunit: OperandKind,

    /// A trap code indicating the reason for trapping.
    /// The Rust enum type also has a `User(u16)` variant for user-provided trap codes.
    pub trapcode: OperandKind,

fn new_imm(format_field_name: &'static str, rust_type: &'static str) -> OperandKind {
    OperandKind::new(format_field_name, rust_type, OperandKindFields::ImmValue)
fn new_enum(
    format_field_name: &'static str,
    rust_type: &'static str,
    values: EnumValues,
) -> OperandKind {

impl Immediates {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            imm64: new_imm("imm", "ir::immediates::Imm64").with_doc("A 64-bit immediate integer."),
            uimm8: new_imm("imm", "ir::immediates::Uimm8")
                .with_doc("An 8-bit immediate unsigned integer."),
            uimm32: new_imm("imm", "ir::immediates::Uimm32")
                .with_doc("A 32-bit immediate unsigned integer."),
            uimm128: new_imm("imm", "ir::Immediate")
                .with_doc("A 128-bit immediate unsigned integer."),
            pool_constant: new_imm("constant_handle", "ir::Constant")
                .with_doc("A constant stored in the constant pool."),
            offset32: new_imm("offset", "ir::immediates::Offset32")
                .with_doc("A 32-bit immediate signed offset."),
            ieee32: new_imm("imm", "ir::immediates::Ieee32")
                .with_doc("A 32-bit immediate floating point number."),
            ieee64: new_imm("imm", "ir::immediates::Ieee64")
                .with_doc("A 64-bit immediate floating point number."),
            boolean: new_imm("imm", "bool").with_doc("An immediate boolean."),
            intcc: {
                let mut intcc_values = HashMap::new();
                intcc_values.insert("eq", "Equal");
                intcc_values.insert("ne", "NotEqual");
                intcc_values.insert("sge", "SignedGreaterThanOrEqual");
                intcc_values.insert("sgt", "SignedGreaterThan");
                intcc_values.insert("sle", "SignedLessThanOrEqual");
                intcc_values.insert("slt", "SignedLessThan");
                intcc_values.insert("uge", "UnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual");
                intcc_values.insert("ugt", "UnsignedGreaterThan");
                intcc_values.insert("ule", "UnsignedLessThanOrEqual");
                intcc_values.insert("ult", "UnsignedLessThan");
                intcc_values.insert("of", "Overflow");
                intcc_values.insert("nof", "NotOverflow");
                new_enum("cond", "ir::condcodes::IntCC", intcc_values)
                    .with_doc("An integer comparison condition code.")

            floatcc: {
                let mut floatcc_values = HashMap::new();
                floatcc_values.insert("ord", "Ordered");
                floatcc_values.insert("uno", "Unordered");
                floatcc_values.insert("eq", "Equal");
                floatcc_values.insert("ne", "NotEqual");
                floatcc_values.insert("one", "OrderedNotEqual");
                floatcc_values.insert("ueq", "UnorderedOrEqual");
                floatcc_values.insert("lt", "LessThan");
                floatcc_values.insert("le", "LessThanOrEqual");
                floatcc_values.insert("gt", "GreaterThan");
                floatcc_values.insert("ge", "GreaterThanOrEqual");
                floatcc_values.insert("ult", "UnorderedOrLessThan");
                floatcc_values.insert("ule", "UnorderedOrLessThanOrEqual");
                floatcc_values.insert("ugt", "UnorderedOrGreaterThan");
                floatcc_values.insert("uge", "UnorderedOrGreaterThanOrEqual");
                new_enum("cond", "ir::condcodes::FloatCC", floatcc_values)
                    .with_doc("A floating point comparison condition code")

            memflags: new_imm("flags", "ir::MemFlags").with_doc("Memory operation flags"),
            regunit: new_imm("regunit", "isa::RegUnit")
                .with_doc("A register unit in the target ISA"),
            trapcode: {
                let mut trapcode_values = HashMap::new();
                trapcode_values.insert("stk_ovf", "StackOverflow");
                trapcode_values.insert("heap_oob", "HeapOutOfBounds");
                trapcode_values.insert("int_ovf", "IntegerOverflow");
                trapcode_values.insert("int_divz", "IntegerDivisionByZero");
                new_enum("code", "ir::TrapCode", trapcode_values).with_doc("A trap reason code.")