alass-ffi 0.1.2

FFI bindings for subtitle synchronization with alass

alass-ffi Build minimum rustc 1.40 License

FFI bindings for subtitle synchronization with alass-core

alass-core is a fantastic library which performs fast and accurate subtitle synchronization. This wrapper library provides FFI bindings so such functionality can by used by other languages like C, Python, Java, or any language which supports calling into native libraries. Both static and dynamic libraries can be used depending on the needs of your project.


You will need Rust 1.40+ and Cargo installed to build alass-ffi.

From within the ffi directory, run:

$ cargo build --release

Build artifacts can be found within the target directory.


See the header file for API details.

Note that this header is checked into git for informational purposes and will not reflect any changes you may have made to your working copy. See the target/ directory for the up-to-date version generated by your build.


Everything in this repo is GPL-3.0 unless otherwise specified