aki-xtee 0.1.0

copy standard input to each files and standard output.


aki-xtee is the program that copy standard input to each files and standard output.


aki-xtee copy standard input to each files and standard output.

  • command help
aki-xtee --help
  aki-xtee [options] [<file>...]

this is like the linux command `tee`.
copy standard input to each <file>, and to standard output.
automatic discovery file type: plain, gz, xz and zst.

  -a, --append   append to the <file>, do not overwrite [unimplemented]

  -H, --help     display this help and exit
  -V, --version  display version information and exit

  <file>         utf-8 encoded plain text file,
                 gzip compressed file at the end with '.gz',
                 xz2 compressed file at the end with '.xz',
                 zstd compressed file at the end with '.zst'.

  You can simple use. Just arrange the files.
    aki-xtee file1 file2.gz file3.xz file4.zst
  • minimum support rustc 1.38.0

Quick install

  1. you can install this into cargo bin path:
cargo install aki-xtree
  1. you can build debian package:
cargo deb

and install .deb into your local repository of debian package.


Command line example 1

output "ABCDEFGH" to standard output and plain text file.

echo "ABCDEFGH" | aki-xtee out/plain.txt

result output :


output "ABCDEFGH" to standard output and gzip text file.

echo "ABCDEFGH" | aki-xtee out/gztext.txt.gz

result output :


output "ABCDEFGH" to standard output and xz text file.

echo "ABCDEFGH" | aki-xtee out/xztext.txt.xz

result output :


output "ABCDEFGH" to standard output and zstd text file.

echo "ABCDEFGH" | aki-xtee out/xztext.txt.zst

result output :


Command line example 2

copy input to plain text file, gzip text file, xz text file and zstd text file.

aki-xtee out/plain.txt out/gztext.txt.gz out/xztext.txt.xz  out/zstext.txt.zst

Library example

See fn execute() for this library examples.