akd 0.11.0

An implementation of an auditable key directory
// Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
// This source code is dual-licensed under either the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE-MIT file in the root directory of this source tree or the Apache
// License, Version 2.0 found in the LICENSE-APACHE file in the root directory
// of this source tree. You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.

//! The implementation of a node for a history patricia tree

use crate::errors::{AkdError, StorageError, TreeNodeError};
use crate::hash::EMPTY_DIGEST;
use crate::storage::manager::StorageManager;
use crate::storage::types::{DbRecord, StorageType};
use crate::storage::{Database, Storable};
use crate::AzksValue;
use crate::PrefixOrdering;
use crate::{node_label::*, Direction};
use akd_core::configuration::Configuration;
#[cfg(feature = "serde_serialization")]
use akd_core::utils::serde_helpers::{azks_value_hex_deserialize, azks_value_hex_serialize};
use std::cmp::{max, min};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::marker::Sync;

/// There are three types of nodes: root, leaf and interior.
/// This enum is used to mark the type of a [TreeNode].
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
    feature = "serde_serialization",
    derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)
pub enum TreeNodeType {
    /// Nodes with this type only have dummy children. Their value is
    /// an input when they're created and the hash is H(value, creation_epoch)
    Leaf = 1,
    /// Nodes with this type do not have parents and their value,
    /// like Interior, is a hash of their children's
    /// hash along with their respective labels.
    Root = 2,
    /// Nodes of this type must have non-dummy children
    /// and their value is a hash of their children, along with the labels of the children.
    Interior = 3,

impl akd_core::SizeOf for TreeNodeType {
    fn size_of(&self) -> usize {

impl TreeNodeType {
    pub(crate) fn from_u8(code: u8) -> Self {
        match code {
            1 => Self::Leaf,
            2 => Self::Root,
            3 => Self::Interior,
            _ => Self::Leaf,

/// Represents a [TreeNode] with its current state and potential future state.
/// Depending on the `epoch` which the Directory believes is the "most current"
/// version, we may need to load a slightly older version of the tree node. This is because
/// we can't guarantee that a "publish" operation is globally atomic at the storage layer,
/// however we do assume record-level atomicity. This means that some records may be updated
/// to "future" values, and therefore we might need to temporarily read their previous values.
/// The Directory publishes the AZKS after all other records are successfully written.
/// This single record is where the "current" epoch is determined, so any instances with read-only
/// access (example: Directory instances service proof generation, but not publishing) will be notified
/// that a new epoch is available, flush their caches, and retrieve data from storage directly again.
/// This structure holds the label along with the current value & epoch - 1
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
    feature = "serde_serialization",
    derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_serialization", serde(bound = ""))]
pub struct TreeNodeWithPreviousValue {
    /// The label of the node
    pub label: NodeLabel,
    /// The "latest" node, either future or current
    pub latest_node: TreeNode,
    /// The "previous" node, either current or past
    pub previous_node: Option<TreeNode>,

impl akd_core::SizeOf for TreeNodeWithPreviousValue {
    fn size_of(&self) -> usize {
            + self.latest_node.size_of()
            + self.previous_node.as_ref().map_or(8, |v| v.size_of() + 8)

impl Storable for TreeNodeWithPreviousValue {
    type StorageKey = NodeKey;

    fn data_type() -> StorageType {

    fn get_id(&self) -> NodeKey {

    fn get_full_binary_key_id(key: &NodeKey) -> Vec<u8> {
        let mut result = vec![StorageType::TreeNode as u8];

    fn key_from_full_binary(bin: &[u8]) -> Result<NodeKey, String> {
        if bin.len() < 37 {
            return Err("Not enough bytes to form a proper key".to_string());

        if bin[0] != StorageType::TreeNode as u8 {
            return Err("Not a tree node key".to_string());

        let len_bytes: [u8; 4] = bin[1..=4].try_into().expect("Slice with incorrect length");
        let val_bytes: [u8; 32] = bin[5..=36].try_into().expect("Slice with incorrect length");
        let len = u32::from_be_bytes(len_bytes);

        Ok(NodeKey(NodeLabel::new(val_bytes, len)))

impl TreeNodeWithPreviousValue {
    /// Determine which of the previous + latest nodes to retrieve based on the
    /// target epoch. If it should be older than the latest node, and there is no
    /// previous node, it returns Not Found
    pub(crate) fn determine_node_to_get(
        target_epoch: u64,
    ) -> Result<TreeNode, StorageError> {
        // If a publish is currently underway, and "some" nodes have been updated to future values
        // our "target_epoch" may point to some older data. Therefore we may need to load a previous
        // version of this node.
        if self.latest_node.last_epoch > target_epoch {
            if let Some(previous_node) = &self.previous_node {
            } else {
                // no previous, return not found
                    "TreeNode {:?} at epoch {}",
        } else {
            // Otherwise the currently targeted epoch just points to the most up-to-date value, retrieve that

    /// Construct a TreeNode with "previous" value where the
    /// previous value is None. This is useful for the first
    /// time a node appears in the directory data layer.
    #[cfg(feature = "public_tests")]
    pub(crate) fn from_tree_node(node: TreeNode) -> Self {
        Self {
            label: node.label,
            latest_node: node,
            previous_node: None,

    pub(crate) async fn write_to_storage<S: Database>(
        storage: &StorageManager<S>,
    ) -> Result<(), StorageError> {

    pub(crate) async fn get_appropriate_tree_node_from_storage<S: Database>(
        storage: &StorageManager<S>,
        key: &NodeKey,
        target_epoch: u64,
    ) -> Result<TreeNode, StorageError> {
        match storage.get::<Self>(key).await? {
            DbRecord::TreeNode(node) => node.determine_node_to_get(target_epoch),
            _ => Err(StorageError::NotFound(format!(
                "TreeNodeWithPreviousValue {key:?}"

    pub(crate) async fn batch_get_appropriate_tree_node_from_storage<S: Database>(
        storage: &StorageManager<S>,
        keys: &[NodeKey],
        target_epoch: u64,
    ) -> Result<Vec<TreeNode>, StorageError> {
        let node_records: Vec<DbRecord> = storage.batch_get::<Self>(keys).await?;
        let mut nodes = Vec::<TreeNode>::new();
        for node in node_records.into_iter() {
            if let DbRecord::TreeNode(node) = node {
                // Since this is a batch-get, we should ignore node's not-found and just not add them
                // to the result-set
                if let Ok(correct_node) = node.determine_node_to_get(target_epoch) {
            } else {
                return Err(StorageError::NotFound(
                    "Batch retrieve returned types <> TreeNodeWithPreviousValue".to_string(),

/// A TreeNode represents a generic node of a sparse merkle tree.
/// Each node consists of a [NodeLabel] and an [AzksValue]. The label determines the node's
/// location in the tree, and the value corresponding to the node affects its parent's value.
/// If the node is a leaf node (of type [TreeNodeType::Leaf]), then it represents an entry
/// of the directory, where the label and value are computed based on this entry.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
    feature = "serde_serialization",
    derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_serialization", serde(bound = ""))]
pub struct TreeNode {
    /// The binary label for this node.
    pub label: NodeLabel,
    /// The last epoch this node was updated in.
    pub last_epoch: u64,
    /// The minimum last_epoch across all descendants of this node.
    pub min_descendant_epoch: u64,
    /// The label of this node's parent. where the root node is marked its own parent.
    pub parent: NodeLabel,
    /// The type of node: Leaf, Root, or Interior.
    pub node_type: TreeNodeType,
    /// Label of the left child, None if there is none.
    pub left_child: Option<NodeLabel>,
    /// Label of the right child, None if there is none.
    pub right_child: Option<NodeLabel>,
    /// Hash (aka state) of the node.
        feature = "serde_serialization",
        serde(serialize_with = "azks_value_hex_serialize")
        feature = "serde_serialization",
        serde(deserialize_with = "azks_value_hex_deserialize")
    pub hash: AzksValue, // FIXME: we should rename this field to "value" (but it will affect fixture generation)

impl akd_core::SizeOf for TreeNode {
    fn size_of(&self) -> usize {
            + std::mem::size_of::<u64>() * 2
            + self.parent.size_of()
            + self.node_type.size_of()
            + self.left_child.as_ref().map_or(8, |v| v.size_of() + 8)
            + self.right_child.as_ref().map_or(8, |v| v.size_of() + 8)
            + 32

impl TreeNode {
    /// If a node is new (i.e., is_new=true), the node's previous version
    /// will be set as None without the cost of looking up this information in
    /// the database.
    pub(crate) async fn write_to_storage<S: Database>(
        storage: &StorageManager<S>,
        is_new: bool,
    ) -> Result<(), StorageError> {
        // MOTIVATION:
        // We want to retrieve the previous latest_node value, so we want to investigate where (epoch - 1).
        // When a request comes in to write the node with a future epoch, (epoch - 1) will be the latest node in storage
        // and we'll do a shift-left. The get call should ideally utilize a cached value, so this should be safe to
        // call repeatedly. If the node retrieved from storage has the same epoch as the incoming changes, we don't shift
        // since the assumption is either (1) there's no changes or (2) a shift already occurred previously where the
        // epoch changed.

        // retrieve the highest node properties, at a previous epoch than this one. If we're modifying "this" epoch, simply take it as no need for a rotation.
        // When we write the node, with an updated epoch value, we'll rotate the stored value and capture the previous
        let target_epoch = match self.last_epoch {
            e if e > 0 => e - 1,
            other => other,

        // previous value of a new node is None
        let previous = if is_new {
        } else {
            match TreeNodeWithPreviousValue::get_appropriate_tree_node_from_storage(
                Ok(p) => Some(p),
                Err(StorageError::NotFound(_)) => None,
                Err(other) => return Err(other),

        // construct the "new" record, shifting the most recent stored value into the "previous" field
        let left_shifted = TreeNodeWithPreviousValue {
            label: self.label,
            latest_node: self.clone(),
            previous_node: previous,

        // write this updated tuple record back to storage

    pub(crate) async fn get_from_storage<S: Database>(
        storage: &StorageManager<S>,
        key: &NodeKey,
        target_epoch: u64,
    ) -> Result<TreeNode, StorageError> {

    pub(crate) async fn batch_get_from_storage<S: Database>(
        storage: &StorageManager<S>,
        keys: &[NodeKey],
        target_epoch: u64,
    ) -> Result<Vec<TreeNode>, StorageError> {

/// Wraps the label with which to find a node in storage.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, std::fmt::Debug)]
    feature = "serde_serialization",
    derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)
pub struct NodeKey(pub NodeLabel);

unsafe impl Sync for TreeNode {}

impl TreeNode {
    /// Creates a new TreeNode and writes it to the storage.
    fn new(
        label: NodeLabel,
        parent: NodeLabel,
        node_type: TreeNodeType,
        birth_epoch: u64,
        min_descendant_epoch: u64,
        value: AzksValue,
    ) -> Self {
        TreeNode {
            last_epoch: birth_epoch,
            parent, // Root node is its own parent
            left_child: None,
            right_child: None,
            hash: value,

    /// Recomputes the node's hash based on its children
    pub(crate) async fn update_hash<TC: Configuration, S: Database>(
        &mut self,
        storage: &StorageManager<S>,
        hash_mode: NodeHashingMode,
    ) -> Result<(), AkdError> {
        match self.node_type {
            // For leaf nodes, updates the hash of the node by using the `hash` field (hash of the public key) and the hashed label.
            TreeNodeType::Leaf => {
                // The leaf is initialized with its value.
                // When it's used later, it'll be hashed with the epoch.
            // For non-leaf nodes, the hash is updated by merging the hashes of the node's children.
            // It is assumed that the children already updated their hashes.
            _ => {
                let left_child = self
                    .get_child_node(storage, Direction::Left, self.last_epoch)
                let right_child = self
                    .get_child_node(storage, Direction::Right, self.last_epoch)
                self.hash = TC::compute_parent_hash_from_children(
                    &node_to_azks_value::<TC>(&left_child, hash_mode),
                    &node_to_azks_value::<TC>(&right_child, hash_mode),


    /// Inserts a child into this node and updates various metrics based on the child node
    pub(crate) fn set_child(&mut self, child_node: &mut TreeNode) -> Result<(), TreeNodeError> {
        // Set child according to given direction.
        match self.label.get_prefix_ordering(child_node.label) {
            PrefixOrdering::Invalid => {
                return Err(TreeNodeError::NoDirection(child_node.label, None))
            PrefixOrdering::WithZero => {
                self.left_child = Some(child_node.label);
            PrefixOrdering::WithOne => {
                self.right_child = Some(child_node.label);

        // Update parent of the child.
        child_node.parent = self.label;

        // Update last updated epoch.
        self.last_epoch = max(self.last_epoch, child_node.last_epoch);

        // Update the smallest descencent epoch
        if self.min_descendant_epoch == 0u64 {
            self.min_descendant_epoch = child_node.min_descendant_epoch;
        } else {
            self.min_descendant_epoch =
                min(self.min_descendant_epoch, child_node.min_descendant_epoch);


    ///// getrs for child nodes ////

    /// Loads (from storage) the left or right child of a node using given direction and epoch
    pub(crate) async fn get_child_node<S: Database>(
        storage: &StorageManager<S>,
        direction: Direction,
        epoch: u64,
    ) -> Result<Option<TreeNode>, AkdError> {
        if let Some(child_label) = self.get_child_label(direction) {
            let child_key = NodeKey(child_label);
            let get_result = Self::get_from_storage(storage, &child_key, epoch).await;
            match get_result {
                Ok(node) => Ok(Some(node)),
                Err(StorageError::NotFound(_)) => Ok(None),
                _ => Err(AkdError::Storage(StorageError::NotFound(format!(
                    "TreeNode {child_key:?}"
        } else {

    pub(crate) fn get_child_label(&self, direction: Direction) -> Option<NodeLabel> {
        match direction {
            Direction::Left => self.left_child,
            Direction::Right => self.right_child,

    /* Functions for compression-related operations */

    pub(crate) fn get_latest_epoch(&self) -> u64 {

/////// Helpers //////

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) enum NodeHashingMode {
    // Mixes the last epoch into the hashes of any child leaves
    // Does not mix the last epoch into the hashes of child leaves

pub(crate) fn node_to_label<TC: Configuration>(input: &Option<TreeNode>) -> NodeLabel {
    match input {
        Some(child_state) => child_state.label,
        None => TC::empty_label(),

pub(crate) fn node_to_azks_value<TC: Configuration>(
    input: &Option<TreeNode>,
    hash_mode: NodeHashingMode,
) -> AzksValue {
    match input {
        Some(child_state) => {
            let mut value = child_state.hash;
            if let (TreeNodeType::Leaf, NodeHashingMode::WithLeafEpoch) =
                (child_state.node_type, hash_mode)
                value = AzksValue(TC::hash_leaf_with_commitment(value, child_state.last_epoch).0);
        None => TC::empty_node_hash(),

/// Create an empty root node.
pub(crate) fn new_root_node<TC: Configuration>() -> TreeNode {
    // Empty root hash is the same as empty node hash with no label
    let empty_root_hash = TC::empty_root_value();

/// Create an interior node with an empty hash.
pub(crate) fn new_interior_node<TC: Configuration>(label: NodeLabel, birth_epoch: u64) -> TreeNode {
        TC::empty_label(), // A placeholder that will get updated once the node is inserted
        AzksValue(EMPTY_DIGEST), // A placeholder that will get updated once the node is inserted

/// Create a specific leaf node.
pub(crate) fn new_leaf_node<TC: Configuration>(
    label: NodeLabel,
    value: &AzksValue,
    birth_epoch: u64,
) -> TreeNode {
        TC::empty_label(), // A placeholder that will get updated once the node is inserted

mod tests {
    use akd_core::hash::DIGEST_BYTES;

    use super::*;
    use crate::utils::byte_arr_from_u64;
    use crate::NodeLabel;
    type InMemoryDb = crate::storage::memory::AsyncInMemoryDatabase;
    use crate::storage::manager::StorageManager;
    use crate::test_config;

    async fn test_smallest_descendant_ep<TC: Configuration>() -> Result<(), AkdError> {
        let database = InMemoryDb::new();
        let db = StorageManager::new_no_cache(database);
        let mut root = new_root_node::<TC>();

        let mut right_child =
            new_interior_node::<TC>(NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b1u64 << 63), 1u32), 3);

        let mut new_leaf = new_leaf_node::<TC>(
            NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b00u64), 2u32),
            &AzksValue([0u8; DIGEST_BYTES]),

        let mut leaf_1 = new_leaf_node::<TC>(
            NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b11u64 << 62), 2u32),
            &AzksValue([1u8; DIGEST_BYTES]),

        let mut leaf_2 = new_leaf_node::<TC>(
            NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b10u64 << 62), 2u32),
            &AzksValue([2u8; DIGEST_BYTES]),

        right_child.set_child(&mut leaf_2)?;
        right_child.set_child(&mut leaf_1)?;
            .update_hash::<TC, _>(&db, NodeHashingMode::WithLeafEpoch)
        leaf_2.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;
        leaf_1.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;
        right_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        root.set_child(&mut new_leaf)?;
        root.set_child(&mut right_child)?;
        root.update_hash::<TC, _>(&db, NodeHashingMode::WithLeafEpoch)
        new_leaf.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;
        right_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;
        root.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        let stored_root = db

        let root_smallest_descendant_ep = match stored_root {
            DbRecord::TreeNode(node) => node.latest_node.min_descendant_epoch,
            _ => panic!("Root not found in storage."),

        let stored_right_child = db

        let right_child_smallest_descendant_ep = match stored_right_child {
            DbRecord::TreeNode(node) => node.latest_node.min_descendant_epoch,
            _ => panic!("Root not found in storage."),

        let stored_left_child = db

        let left_child_smallest_descendant_ep = match stored_left_child {
            DbRecord::TreeNode(node) => node.latest_node.min_descendant_epoch,
            _ => panic!("Root not found in storage."),

        let root_expected_min_dec = 1u64;
            root_expected_min_dec, root_smallest_descendant_ep,
            "Minimum descendant epoch not equal to expected: root, expected: {root_expected_min_dec:?}, got: {root_smallest_descendant_ep:?}"

        let right_child_expected_min_dec = 2u64;
            right_child_expected_min_dec, right_child_smallest_descendant_ep,
            "Minimum descendant epoch not equal to expected: right child"

        let left_child_expected_min_dec = 1u64;
            left_child_expected_min_dec, left_child_smallest_descendant_ep,
            "Minimum descendant epoch not equal to expected: left child"


    // insert_single_leaf tests
    async fn test_insert_single_leaf_root<TC: Configuration>() -> Result<(), AkdError> {
        let database = InMemoryDb::new();
        let db = StorageManager::new_no_cache(database);

        let mut root = new_root_node::<TC>();

        let val_0 = AzksValue([0u8; DIGEST_BYTES]);
        let val_1 = AzksValue([1u8; DIGEST_BYTES]);

        // Prepare the leaf to be inserted with label 0.
        let mut leaf_0 =
            new_leaf_node::<TC>(NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b0u64), 1u32), &val_0, 0);

        // Prepare another leaf to insert with label 1.
        let mut leaf_1 = new_leaf_node::<TC>(
            NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b1u64 << 63), 1u32),

        // Insert leaves.
        root.set_child(&mut leaf_0)?;
        root.set_child(&mut leaf_1)?;
        leaf_0.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;
        leaf_1.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        root.update_hash::<TC, _>(&db, NodeHashingMode::WithLeafEpoch)
        root.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        // Merge leaves hash along with the root label.
        let leaves_hash = TC::compute_parent_hash_from_children(
            &AzksValue(TC::hash_leaf_with_commitment(val_0, 0).0),
            &AzksValue(TC::hash_leaf_with_commitment(val_1, 0).0),

        let expected = TC::compute_root_hash_from_val(&leaves_hash);

        // Get root hash
        let stored_root = db
        let root_digest = match stored_root {
            DbRecord::TreeNode(node) => TC::compute_root_hash_from_val(&node.latest_node.hash),
            _ => panic!("Root not found in storage."),

        assert_eq!(root_digest, expected, "Root hash not equal to expected");


    async fn test_insert_single_leaf_below_root<TC: Configuration>() -> Result<(), AkdError> {
        let database = InMemoryDb::new();
        let db = StorageManager::new_no_cache(database);
        let mut root = new_root_node::<TC>();

        let val_0 = AzksValue([0u8; DIGEST_BYTES]);
        let val_1 = AzksValue([1u8; DIGEST_BYTES]);
        let val_2 = AzksValue([2u8; DIGEST_BYTES]);

        let mut right_child =
            new_interior_node::<TC>(NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b1u64 << 63), 1u32), 3);

        let mut leaf_0 =
            new_leaf_node::<TC>(NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b00u64), 2u32), &val_0, 1);

        let mut leaf_1 = new_leaf_node::<TC>(
            NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b11u64 << 62), 2u32),

        let mut leaf_2 = new_leaf_node::<TC>(
            NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b10u64 << 62), 2u32),

        right_child.set_child(&mut leaf_2)?;
        right_child.set_child(&mut leaf_1)?;
        leaf_2.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;
        leaf_1.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

            .update_hash::<TC, _>(&db, NodeHashingMode::WithLeafEpoch)
        right_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        root.set_child(&mut leaf_0)?;
        root.set_child(&mut right_child)?;
        leaf_0.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;
        right_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        root.update_hash::<TC, _>(&db, NodeHashingMode::WithLeafEpoch)
        root.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        let leaf_0_hash = (
            TC::hash_leaf_with_commitment(val_0, 1),

        let leaf_1_hash = (
            TC::hash_leaf_with_commitment(val_1, 2),

        let leaf_2_hash = (
            TC::hash_leaf_with_commitment(val_2, 3),

        let right_child_expected_hash = (
                &AzksValue(leaf_2_hash.0 .0),
                &AzksValue(leaf_1_hash.0 .0),
            NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b1u64 << 63), 1u32).value::<TC>(),

        let stored_root = db
        let root_digest = match stored_root {
            DbRecord::TreeNode(node) => TC::compute_root_hash_from_val(&node.latest_node.hash),
            _ => panic!("Root not found in storage."),

        let expected = TC::compute_root_hash_from_val(&TC::compute_parent_hash_from_children(
            &AzksValue(leaf_0_hash.0 .0),
            &AzksValue(right_child_expected_hash.0 .0),
        assert!(root_digest == expected, "Root hash not equal to expected");

    async fn test_insert_single_leaf_below_root_both_sides<TC: Configuration>(
    ) -> Result<(), AkdError> {
        let database = InMemoryDb::new();
        let db = StorageManager::new_no_cache(database);
        let mut root = new_root_node::<TC>();

        let mut left_child =
            new_interior_node::<TC>(NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b0u64), 1u32), 4);

        let mut right_child =
            new_interior_node::<TC>(NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b1u64 << 63), 1u32), 3);

        let val_0 = AzksValue([0u8; DIGEST_BYTES]);
        let val_1 = AzksValue([1u8; DIGEST_BYTES]);
        let val_2 = AzksValue([2u8; DIGEST_BYTES]);
        let val_3 = AzksValue([3u8; DIGEST_BYTES]);

        let mut leaf_0 =
            new_leaf_node::<TC>(NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b000u64), 3u32), &val_0, 1);

        let mut leaf_1 = new_leaf_node::<TC>(
            NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b111u64 << 61), 3u32),

        let mut leaf_2 = new_leaf_node::<TC>(
            NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b100u64 << 61), 3u32),

        let mut leaf_3 = new_leaf_node::<TC>(
            NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b010u64 << 61), 3u32),

        // Insert nodes.
        left_child.set_child(&mut leaf_0)?;
        left_child.set_child(&mut leaf_3)?;
        leaf_0.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;
        leaf_3.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

            .update_hash::<TC, _>(&db, NodeHashingMode::WithLeafEpoch)
        left_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        right_child.set_child(&mut leaf_2)?;
        right_child.set_child(&mut leaf_1)?;
        leaf_2.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;
        leaf_1.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

            .update_hash::<TC, _>(&db, NodeHashingMode::WithLeafEpoch)
        right_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        root.set_child(&mut left_child)?;
        root.set_child(&mut right_child)?;
        left_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;
        right_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        root.update_hash::<TC, _>(&db, NodeHashingMode::WithLeafEpoch)
        root.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        let leaf_0_hash = (
            TC::hash_leaf_with_commitment(val_0, 1),

        let leaf_1_hash = (
            TC::hash_leaf_with_commitment(val_1, 2),
        let leaf_2_hash = (
            TC::hash_leaf_with_commitment(val_2, 3),

        let leaf_3_hash = (
            TC::hash_leaf_with_commitment(val_3, 4),

        // Children: left: leaf2, right: leaf1, label: 1
        let right_child_expected_hash = (
                &AzksValue(leaf_2_hash.0 .0),
                &AzksValue(leaf_1_hash.0 .0),
            NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b1u64 << 63), 1u32).value::<TC>(),

        // Children: left: new_leaf, right: leaf3, label: 0
        let left_child_expected_hash = (
                &AzksValue(leaf_0_hash.0 .0),
                &AzksValue(leaf_3_hash.0 .0),
            NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(0b0u64), 1u32).value::<TC>(),

        let stored_root = db
        let root_digest = match stored_root {
            DbRecord::TreeNode(node) => TC::compute_root_hash_from_val(&node.latest_node.hash),
            _ => panic!("Root not found in storage."),

        let expected = TC::compute_root_hash_from_val(&TC::compute_parent_hash_from_children(
        assert_eq!(root_digest, expected, "Root hash not equal to expected");


    async fn test_insert_single_leaf_full_tree<TC: Configuration>() -> Result<(), AkdError> {
        let database = InMemoryDb::new();
        let db = StorageManager::new_no_cache(database);
        let mut root = new_root_node::<TC>();

        let mut leaves = Vec::<TreeNode>::new();
        let mut leaf_hashes = Vec::new();
        for i in 0u64..8u64 {
            let leaf_u64 = i << 61;
            let new_leaf = new_leaf_node::<TC>(
                NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(leaf_u64), 3u32),
                7 - i,
                TC::hash_leaf_with_commitment(AzksValue(TC::hash(&leaf_u64.to_be_bytes())), 7 - i),

        let mut layer_1_interior = Vec::new();
        let mut layer_1_hashes = Vec::new();
        for (i, j) in (0u64..4).enumerate() {
            let interior_u64 = j << 62;
                NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(interior_u64), 2u32),
                7 - (2 * j),

            let left_child_hash = leaf_hashes[2 * i].clone();
            let right_child_hash = leaf_hashes[2 * i + 1].clone();
                    &AzksValue(left_child_hash.0 .0),
                    &AzksValue(right_child_hash.0 .0),
                NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(j << 62), 2u32).value::<TC>(),

        let mut layer_2_interior = Vec::new();
        let mut layer_2_hashes = Vec::new();
        for (i, j) in (0u64..2).enumerate() {
            let interior_u64 = j << 63;
                NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(interior_u64), 1u32),
                7 - (4 * j),

            let left_child_hash = layer_1_hashes[2 * i].clone();
            let right_child_hash = layer_1_hashes[2 * i + 1].clone();
                NodeLabel::new(byte_arr_from_u64(j << 63), 1u32).value::<TC>(),

        let expected = TC::compute_root_hash_from_val(&TC::compute_parent_hash_from_children(

        for node in layer_1_interior.iter_mut() {
            let mut left_child = leaves.remove(0);
            let mut right_child = leaves.remove(0);

            node.set_child(&mut left_child)?;
            node.set_child(&mut right_child)?;
            left_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;
            right_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

            node.update_hash::<TC, _>(&db, NodeHashingMode::WithLeafEpoch)
            node.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        for node in layer_2_interior.iter_mut() {
            let mut left_child = layer_1_interior.remove(0);
            let mut right_child = layer_1_interior.remove(0);

            node.set_child(&mut left_child)?;
            node.set_child(&mut right_child)?;
            left_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;
            right_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

            node.update_hash::<TC, _>(&db, NodeHashingMode::WithLeafEpoch)
            node.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        let mut left_child = layer_2_interior.remove(0);
        let mut right_child = layer_2_interior.remove(0);

        root.set_child(&mut left_child)?;
        root.set_child(&mut right_child)?;
        left_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;
        right_child.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        root.update_hash::<TC, _>(&db, NodeHashingMode::WithLeafEpoch)
        root.write_to_storage(&db, false).await?;

        let stored_root = db
        let root_digest = match stored_root {
            DbRecord::TreeNode(node) => TC::compute_root_hash_from_val(&node.latest_node.hash),
            _ => panic!("Root not found in storage."),

        assert_eq!(root_digest, expected, "Root hash not equal to expected");