Module ajars_actix_web::actix_web::error[][src]

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Error and Result module


A set of errors that can occur running blocking tasks in thread pool.

General purpose actix web error.

A generic “error” for HTTP connections

Wraps errors to alter the generated response status code.


A set of error that can occur during parsing content type.

A set of errors that can occur during dispatching HTTP requests.

A set of errors that can occur during parsing json payloads

A set of errors that can occur during parsing HTTP streams.

A set of errors that can occur during parsing request paths

A set of errors that can occur during payload parsing.

A set of errors that can occur during parsing query strings.

Error type returned when reading body as lines.

Errors which can occur when attempting to generate resource uri.

A set of errors that can occur during parsing urlencoded payloads


Errors that can generate responses.


Helper function that wraps any error and generates a BAD_GATEWAY response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a BAD_REQUEST response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a CONFLICT response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a EXPECTATION_FAILED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a FAILED_DEPENDENCY response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a FORBIDDEN response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a GATEWAY_TIMEOUT response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a GONE response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a IM_A_TEAPOT response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a LENGTH_REQUIRED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a LOCKED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a LOOP_DETECTED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a MISDIRECTED_REQUEST response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a NOT_ACCEPTABLE response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a NOT_EXTENDED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a NOT_FOUND response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a NOT_IMPLEMENTED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a PAYMENT_REQUIRED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a PRECONDITION_FAILED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a PRECONDITION_REQUIRED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a REQUEST_TIMEOUT response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a TOO_MANY_REQUESTS response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a UNAUTHORIZED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a UPGRADE_REQUIRED response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a URI_TOO_LONG response.

Helper function that wraps any error and generates a VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES response.

Type Definitions

A convenience Result for Actix Web operations.