ainoio-agent 3.1.0 agent
# Rust Agent for


Rust implementation of logging agent.

## What is [] and what does this Agent have to do with it?

[]( is an analytics and monitoring tool for integrated enterprise applications and digital
business processes. can help organizations manage, develop, and run the digital parts of their day-to-day
business. Read more from our [web pages]( works by analyzing transactions between enterprise applications and other pieces of software.
This Agent helps to store data about the transactions to platform using Data API (version 2.0).
See [API documentation]( for detailed information about the API.

## Technical requirements
* Rust 1.39

### 1. Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

ainoio-agent = "1.0"

Now, you can use ainoio-agent:

use ainoio_agent;

### 2. Configuring the agent
Agent is configured with an TOML configuration file. Below is an example.

let config = ainoio_agent::AinoConfig::new().expect("Failed to load aino configuration");

##### Configuration file example
url = ""
api_key = "<your api key here>"
send_interval = 1000

The configuration files are placed in a config-directory. They are read in the following order:
1. config/default.toml
2. config/<environment>.toml
    * the environmant is read from the RUN_MODE environment variable.
3. config/local.toml
    * This should be used to local testing, and should not be commited.
4. All environment variables prefixed with AINO.

### 3. Send a request to

#### Example
Logging is done by creating a `Transaction` object and passing it to the agent:
use ainoio_agent;
use std::time::SystemTime;

// Load the configuration
let config = ainoio_agent::AinoConfig::new()?;
// Start the Aino agent
// This must be called exactly once before any transactions are sent

let timestamp = SystemTime::now().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap();

// Create transaction object
let mut transaction = ainoio_agent::Transaction::new("SAP".to_string(),
    "Card Management".to_string(), "Payment".to_string(), ainoio_agent::Status::Success,
    timestamp.as_millis(), "1249F41E55A1123FB".to_string());
transaction.message = Some("Data transfer successful.".to_string());
transaction.payload_type = Some("Product Update".to_string());

let metadata = ainoio_agent::TransactionMetadata::new("Card API".to_string(), "".to_string());

let id = ainoio_agent::TransactionId::new("OrderId".to_string(), vec!["123456".to_string(), "xxasd".to_string()]);

// Add the transaction into the queue, it will be sent after `send_interval' has elapsed at the latests
ainoio_agent::add_transaction(transaction).expect("Failed to add transaction to the send queue.");

## [License]LICENSE

Copyright &copy; 2020 []( Licensed under the [Apache 2.0 License](LICENSE).