Module aide::redoc

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Available on crate feature redoc only.
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Generate Redoc ui. This feature requires the axum feature.


// Replace some of the `axum::` types with `aide::axum::` ones.
use aide::{
        routing::{get, post},
        ApiRouter, IntoApiResponse,
    openapi::{Info, OpenApi},
use axum::{Extension, Json};
use schemars::JsonSchema;
use serde::Deserialize;

// We'll need to derive `JsonSchema` for
// all types that appear in the api documentation.
#[derive(Deserialize, JsonSchema)]
struct User {
    name: String,

async fn hello_user(Json(user): Json<User>) -> impl IntoApiResponse {
    format!("hello {}",

// Note that this clones the document on each request.
// To be more efficient, we could wrap it into an Arc,
// or even store it as a serialized string.
async fn serve_api(Extension(api): Extension<OpenApi>) -> impl IntoApiResponse {

async fn main() {
    let app = ApiRouter::new()
        // generate redoc-ui using the openapi spec route
        .route("/redoc", Redoc::new("/api.json").axum_route())
        // Change `route` to `api_route` for the route
        // we'd like to expose in the documentation.
        .api_route("/hello", post(hello_user))
        // We'll serve our generated document here.
        .route("/api.json", get(serve_api));

    let mut api = OpenApi {
        info: Info {
            description: Some("an example API".to_string()),
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();

            // Generate the documentation.
            .finish_api(&mut api)
            // Expose the documentation to the handlers.
