ai-graph 0.0.18

Ai Graph is a new tool for creating machine learning that runs blazingly fast when learning has finished.
use {super::Gene, rayon::prelude::*};

//TODO Not all checks are finnished.
impl Gene {
    pub fn validate(&self) -> bool {
        // Paralell and.
        let predicates: [&(Fn() -> bool + Sync); 3] = [
            &|| self.sum_lines_per_row_equal(),
            &|| self.all_output_avalible(),
            &|| self.number_of_lines_same_as_number_of_next_nodes(),
        predicates.par_iter().all(|f| f())
    pub fn validate_two(first_gene: &Self, second_gene: &Self) -> bool {
        first_gene.validate() && second_gene.validate() && Self::equal_size(first_gene, second_gene)

    fn sum_lines_per_row_equal(&self) -> bool {
        for line_block in &self.line_dna {
            let number = line_block[0].len();
            for line_set in line_block {
                if !line_set.len() == number {
                    return false;

    fn all_output_avalible(&self) -> bool {

    fn number_of_lines_same_as_number_of_next_nodes(&self) -> bool {
        // only need to check one line set because other check (sum_lines_per_row_equal) makes sure they are all the same.
            .all(|(block_index, line_block)| {
                (line_block[0].len() == self.node_dna[block_index].len())

    fn equal_size(_first_gene: &Self, _second_gene: &Self) -> bool {