agsol-wasm-client 0.0.1-alpha.5

Async RPC client to query the Solana blockchain

This is an experimental crate that aims to implement a Wasm-compatible non-blocking (async) [RpcClient] for Solana. Currently, Solana uses its own blocking RpcClient for querying the blockchain which cannot be ported to Wasm.

This crate uses an async reqwest::Client to make [RpcRequest]s to the blockchain. Thus, querying the blockchain can be written entirely in Rust and then it can be easily ported to Wasm using wasm_bindgen.


use agsol_wasm_client::{Net, RpcClient};
use solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey;

async fn main() {
let mut client = RpcClient::new(Net::Devnet);
let balance = client

let owner = client.get_owner(&Pubkey::default()).await.unwrap();

When built with the wasm-factory feature enabled, this crate provides the wasm_instruction!() macro that can be used for quickly exposing a Solana Instruction factory to Wasm.