agb 0.15.0

Library for Game Boy Advance Development
// This appears to be needed for testing to work
#![cfg_attr(any(test, feature = "testing"), no_main)]
#![cfg_attr(any(test, feature = "testing"), feature(custom_test_frameworks))]
    any(test, feature = "testing"),
    any(test, feature = "testing"),
    reexport_test_harness_main = "test_main"

//! # agb
//! `agb` is a library for making games on the Game Boy Advance using the Rust
//! programming language. It attempts to be a high level abstraction over the
//! internal workings of the Game Boy Advance whilst still being high
//! performance and memory efficient.
//! To get started with agb, you should clone the [template repo]( and work from there.

/// This macro is used to convert a png or bmp into a format usable by the Game Boy Advance.
/// Suppose you have a file in `examples/water_tiles.png` which contains some tiles you'd like to use.
/// You import them using:
/// ```rust,no_run
/// ##![no_std]
/// ##![no_main]
/// agb::include_background_gfx!(water_tiles, tiles => "examples/water_tiles.png");
/// ```
/// This will generate something along the lines of the following:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// // module name comes from the first argument, name of the constant from the arrow
/// mod water_tiles {
///     pub const tiles = /* ... */;
/// }
/// ```
/// And tiles will be an instance of [`TileData`][crate::display::tile_data::TileData]
/// You can import multiple files at once, and the palette data will be combined so they can all be visible.
/// # Examples
/// Assume the tiles are loaded as above
/// In `src/`:
/// ```rust,no_run
/// ##![no_std]
/// ##![no_main]
/// #
/// use agb::{
///     display::{
///         tiled::{RegularBackgroundSize, TileFormat, TileSet, TileSetting, Tiled0, TiledMap, VRamManager},
///         Priority,
///     },
///     include_background_gfx,
/// };
/// agb::include_background_gfx!(water_tiles, tiles => "examples/water_tiles.png");
/// # fn load_tileset(mut gfx: Tiled0, mut vram: VRamManager) {
/// let tileset = TileSet::new(water_tiles::tiles.tiles, TileFormat::FourBpp);
/// vram.set_background_palettes(water_tiles::PALETTES);
/// let mut bg = gfx.background(Priority::P0, RegularBackgroundSize::Background32x32, TileFormat::FourBpp);
/// for y in 0..20u16 {
///     for x in 0..30u16 {
///         bg.set_tile(
///             &mut vram,
///             (x, y).into(),
///             &tileset,
///             TileSetting::new(0, false, false, 0),
///         );
///     }
/// }
/// bg.commit(&mut vram);
/// # }
/// ```
pub use agb_image_converter::include_background_gfx;

pub use agb_image_converter::include_aseprite_inner;

pub use agb_image_converter::include_font as include_font_inner;

macro_rules! include_font {
    ($font_path: literal, $font_size: literal) => {{
        use $crate::display;
        $crate::include_font_inner!($font_path, $font_size)

/// This macro declares the entry point to your game written using `agb`.
/// It is already included in the template, but your `main` function must be annotated with `#[agb::entry]`, takes 1 argument and never returns.
/// Doing this will ensure that `agb` can correctly set up the environment to call your rust function on start up.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run,rust
/// #![no_std]
/// #![no_main]
/// use agb::Gba;
/// #[agb::entry]
/// fn main(mut gba: Gba) -> ! {
///     loop {}
/// }
/// ```
pub use agb_macros::entry;

pub use agb_sound_converter::include_wav;

extern crate alloc;
mod agb_alloc;

mod agbabi;
mod bitarray;
/// Implements everything relating to things that are displayed on screen.
pub mod display;
mod dma;
/// Button inputs to the system.
pub mod input;
/// Interacting with the GBA interrupts
pub mod interrupt;
mod memory_mapped;
/// Implements logging to the mgba emulator.
pub mod mgba;
pub use agb_fixnum as fixnum;
/// Contains an implementation of a hashmap which suits the gameboy advance's hardware.
pub use agb_hashmap as hash_map;
/// Simple random number generator
pub mod rng;
pub mod save;
mod single;
/// Implements sound output.
pub mod sound;
/// A module containing functions and utilities useful for synchronizing state.
pub mod sync;
/// System BIOS calls / syscalls.
pub mod syscall;
/// Interactions with the internal timers
pub mod timer;

pub(crate) mod arena;

pub use {agb_alloc::ExternalAllocator, agb_alloc::InternalAllocator};

#[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "testing")))]
fn panic_implementation(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
    use core::fmt::Write;
    if let Some(mut mgba) = mgba::Mgba::new() {
        write!(mgba, "{}", info);

    loop {}

/// The Gba struct is used to control access to the Game Boy Advance's hardware in a way which makes it the
/// borrow checker's responsibility to ensure no clashes of global resources.
/// This is will be created for you via the [`#[agb::entry]`][entry] attribute.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run,rust
/// #![no_std]
/// #![no_main]
/// use agb::Gba;
/// #[agb::entry]
/// fn main(mut gba: Gba) -> ! {
///     // Do whatever you need to do with gba
///     loop {}
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Gba {
    /// Manages access to the Game Boy Advance's display hardware
    pub display: display::Display,
    /// Manages access to the Game Boy Advance's beeps and boops sound hardware as part of the
    /// original Game Boy's sound chip (the DMG).
    pub sound: sound::dmg::Sound,
    /// Manages access to the Game Boy Advance's direct sound mixer for playing raw wav files.
    pub mixer: sound::mixer::MixerController,
    /// Manages access to the Game Boy Advance cartridge's save chip.
    pub save: save::SaveManager,
    /// Manages access to the Game Boy Advance's 4 timers.
    pub timers: timer::TimerController,

impl Gba {
    pub unsafe fn new_in_entry() -> Self {

    const unsafe fn single_new() -> Self {
        Self {
            display: display::Display::new(),
            sound: sound::dmg::Sound::new(),
            mixer: sound::mixer::MixerController::new(),
            save: save::SaveManager::new(),
            timers: timer::TimerController::new(),

#[cfg(any(test, feature = "testing"))]
/// *Unstable* support for running tests using `agb`
/// In order to use this, you need to enable the unstable `custom_test_framework` feature and copy-paste
/// the following into the top of your application:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// #![cfg_attr(test, feature(custom_test_frameworks))]
/// #![cfg_attr(test, reexport_test_harness_main = "test_main")]
/// #![cfg_attr(test, test_runner(agb::test_runner::test_runner))]
/// ```
/// With this support, you will be able to write tests which you can run using `mgba-test-runner`.
/// Tests are written using `#[test_case]` rather than `#[test]`.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// #[test_case]
/// fn test_ping_pong(_gba: &mut Gba) {
///     assert_eq!(1, 1);
/// }
/// ```
/// You can run the tests using `cargo test`, but it will work better through `mgba-test-runner` by
/// running something along the lines of `CARGO_TARGET_THUMBV4T_NONE_EABI_RUNNER=mgba-test-runner cargo test`.
pub mod test_runner {
    use super::*;

    pub trait Testable {
        fn run(&self, gba: &mut Gba);

    impl<T> Testable for T
        T: Fn(&mut Gba),
        fn run(&self, gba: &mut Gba) {
            let mut mgba = mgba::Mgba::new().unwrap();
                format_args!("{}...", core::any::type_name::<T>()),

                unsafe { agb_alloc::number_of_blocks() } < 2,
                "memory is being leaked, there are {} blocks",
                unsafe { agb_alloc::number_of_blocks() }

            mgba.print(format_args!("[ok]"), mgba::DebugLevel::Info)

    fn panic_implementation(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
        if let Some(mut mgba) = mgba::Mgba::new() {
            mgba.print(format_args!("[failed]"), mgba::DebugLevel::Error)
            mgba.print(format_args!("Error: {info}"), mgba::DebugLevel::Fatal)

        loop {}

    static mut TEST_GBA: Option<Gba> = None;

    pub fn test_runner(tests: &[&dyn Testable]) {
        let mut mgba = mgba::Mgba::new().unwrap();
            format_args!("Running {} tests", tests.len()),

        let gba = unsafe { TEST_GBA.as_mut() }.unwrap();

        for test in tests {

            format_args!("Tests finished successfully"),

    // needed to fudge the #[entry] below
    mod agb {
        pub mod test_runner {
            pub use super::super::agb_start_tests;

    fn agb_test_main(gba: Gba) -> ! {
        loop {} // full implementation provided by the #[entry]

    pub fn agb_start_tests(gba: Gba, test_main: impl Fn()) -> ! {
        unsafe { TEST_GBA = Some(gba) };
        loop {}

    pub fn assert_image_output(image: &str) {
        let mut mgba = crate::mgba::Mgba::new().unwrap();
        mgba.print(format_args!("image:{image}"), crate::mgba::DebugLevel::Info)

pub(crate) fn program_counter_before_interrupt() -> u32 {
    extern "C" {
        static mut agb_rs__program_counter: u32;
    unsafe { agb_rs__program_counter }

mod test {
    use super::Gba;

    fn trivial_test(_gba: &mut Gba) {
        assert_eq!(1, 1);

    fn gba_struct_is_zero_sized(_gba: &mut Gba) {
        use core::mem;
        assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<Gba>(), 0);

    fn wait_30_frames(_gba: &mut Gba) {
        let vblank = crate::interrupt::VBlank::get();
        let mut counter = 0;
        loop {
            if counter > 30 {
            counter += 1;

    #[link_section = ".ewram"]
    static mut EWRAM_TEST: u32 = 5;
    fn ewram_static_test(_gba: &mut Gba) {
        unsafe {
            let ewram_ptr = &mut EWRAM_TEST as *mut u32;
            let content = ewram_ptr.read_volatile();
            assert_eq!(content, 5, "expected data in ewram to be 5");
            ewram_ptr.write_volatile(content + 1);
            let content = ewram_ptr.read_volatile();
            assert_eq!(content, 6, "expected data to have increased by one");
            let address = ewram_ptr as usize;
                "ewram is located between 0x0200_0000 and 0x0204_0000, address was actually found to be {address:#010X}",

    #[link_section = ".iwram"]
    static mut IWRAM_EXPLICIT: u32 = 9;
    fn iwram_explicit_test(_gba: &mut Gba) {
        unsafe {
            let iwram_ptr = &mut IWRAM_EXPLICIT as *mut u32;
            let address = iwram_ptr as usize;
                "iwram is located between 0x0300_0000 and 0x0300_8000, but was actually found to be at {address:#010X}"
            let c = iwram_ptr.read_volatile();
            assert_eq!(c, 9, "expected content to be 9");
            let c = iwram_ptr.read_volatile();
            assert_eq!(c, u32::MAX, "expected content to be {}", u32::MAX);

    static mut IMPLICIT_STORAGE: u32 = 9;
    fn implicit_data_test(_gba: &mut Gba) {
        unsafe {
            let iwram_ptr = &mut IMPLICIT_STORAGE as *mut u32;
            let address = iwram_ptr as usize;
                "implicit data storage is expected to be in ewram, which is between 0x0300_0000 and 0x0300_8000, but was actually found to be at {address:#010X}"            );
            let c = iwram_ptr.read_volatile();
            assert_eq!(c, 9, "expected content to be 9");
            let c = iwram_ptr.read_volatile();
            assert_eq!(c, u32::MAX, "expected content to be {}", u32::MAX);