agb 0.13.0

Library for Game Boy Advance Development
.include "src/asm_include.s"

@ char WramReadByte(const char* offset);
@ A routine that reads a byte from a given memory offset.
agb_thumb_func agb_rs__WramReadByte
    ldrb r0, [r0]
    bx lr
agb_thumb_end agb_rs__WramReadByte

@ bool WramVerifyBuf(const char* buf1, const char* buf2, int count);
@ A routine that compares two memory offsets.
agb_thumb_func agb_rs__WramVerifyBuf
    push {r4-r5, lr}
    movs r5, r0     @ set up r5 to be r0, so we can use it immediately for the return result
    movs r0, #0     @ set up r0 so the default return result is false

    @ At this point, buf1 is actually in r5, so r0 can be used as a status return
1:  ldrb r3, [r5,r2]
    ldrb r4, [r1,r2]
    cmp r3, r4
    bne 0f
    sub r2, #1
    bpl 1b

    @ Returns from the function successfully
    movs r0, #1
0:  @ Jumps to here return the function unsuccessfully, because r0 contains 0 at this point
    pop {r4-r5, pc}
agb_thumb_end agb_rs__WramVerifyBuf

@ void WramTransferBuf(const char* source, char* dest, int count);
@ A routine that copies one buffer into another.
agb_thumb_func agb_rs__WramTransferBuf
0:  sub r2, #1
    ldrb r3, [r0,r2]
    strb r3, [r1,r2]
    bne 0b
    bx lr
agb_thumb_end agb_rs__WramTransferBuf